Ad Abusing Members and Viewers!


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Reaction score
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
I am not sure if I am the only one experiencing the abusive Ad by Saxend, which seems to be forcing the viewer to their Ad! Every time their Ad comes up in rotation, my viewing screen slams up or down to include their Ad!

I understand the want to provide viewership of one's Ad, but when it comes to a point of being Abusive! That takes viewing to a whole new level of discord!

SM's, Please pass this along to the Overseers!
I don't see that one. When was the last time you cleared out cookies? I'm learning that ads are sophisticated enough to tell what other sites you've been to and behave differently depending on what information they glean from your browser.
Good Point! I am a crazy nut about cleaning history at a minimum of daily, more commonly late morning, late afternoon and prior to shut down!

I am running Bitdefender and have to back-off some of the 'Blocking' ware when running Parrot Forums because Parrot Forums runs a real time interaction Format that if Bitdefender was fully operations, it would slow the Forum down to a snail pace.

The pain is that it is only that one Ad! Saxend, which is some kind of photo saver, blender!
When I'm logged into my account, I only see a couple ads at the very bottom of the page, mostly related to things I've searched (sigh, big brother is watching). There are more ads when I'm not logged in, but they're always fixed ads. I've never seen aggressive pop ups on this site. Hopefully the mods can sort this out for you!
I also can't see this ad, and am so sorry that it is being a pain for you! Is this happening for anyone else? What browser are you using?
I'll bring this up in the Mod forum for sure.
I have had issues with video ads from the bottom command the entire screen to scroll downwards! Only occurred with Chrome, and hasn't occurred for several months.
When I'm logged into my account, I only see a couple ads at the very bottom of the page, mostly related to things I've searched (sigh, big brother is watching). There are more ads when I'm not logged in, but they're always fixed ads. I've never seen aggressive pop ups on this site. Hopefully the mods can sort this out for you!

AdBlock Plus is your friend. :)

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