'Accidental' Painted Conure


New member
Dec 18, 2015
Hello...I am new to the site, and am looking for info to help me with a little "found" birdie. About a year ago, after some hurricane winds in our area, a little Painted Conure came to my friend's window. "He" obviously likes people and was very hungry, so she took him inside, fed, watered, and started spreading the word, but no one replied. We think he may have blown in from many miles away because of the high winds. She couldn't care for him because of other animals...so he came to live with me. We don't know the sex, but "he" seems extremely healthy and confident...has beautiful feathers, good appetite, and MOST of the time is very loving
and fun. Every couple of weeks he gets very angry and bites, even flying and attacking toward your face. His bites are NOT nips...he hangs on and draws blood!
Needless to say, I cannot let him out of his cage around elderly or children, and I rather know how to "read" him so it's manageable. I had the vet trim his wings to (hopefully) make him less aggressive, and it seemed to work. His flight feathers have grown out but he has not attacked again. He does not speak, but I've been able to
perch train him (so no poopie everywhere!), and he understands verbal and hand signals. He's a precious little creature, but I'm concerned that the breed is dying out, and he is so healthy, perhaps he should be bred. He loves to burrow under my pillow or in the back of my hair, rides in the car for hours on my shoulder, adores the shower...he has his own perch....and is 98% of the time a sweetheart. I've never had one like him, so am just trying to learn about the breed. Our other birds talk constantly, but he has only picked up the whistles they make, and from 2 breeds of birds outside (Bobwhite Quail and Kiskadee). Any advice would be welcome.(oh..I do feed him organic pellets, some seeds, and fresh fruit every day).
Painted conures are so gorgeous, one of my favourite conures.
I have 2 conures, a GCC and a CBC, and they both can be quite nippy as well. Conures seem to have a big bird attitude in a small body:)
Will he eat vegetables? That would be a great addition to his diet. Mine both love their veggies, I chop it pretty fine and mix it with their fruits and they gobble it right up.
I'd love to see pictures of him!
Welcome, Painted Conures are beautiful! Sounds like a lucky little guy to have you.

While uncommon as compared to other Pyrrhura genus conures such as GCC, they're not so rare that they need to be bred. Don't worry ;). Best to leave breeding to the experts.

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