Acccck!! it's a FIG


New member
May 5, 2012
North Carolina
Senegal Male Bogart
so I'm in Louisiana this week and saw fresh figs at the farmers market and since the books say senegal's love figs I get some for Bogart. I offer him one and my big boy runs for the hills he wants nothing to do with this aberation you'd think I offered him a snake to cuddle with flapping and screaming and no amount of assurance would calm him down. I bit off a small piece and offered it to him he took it and threw it down.. Day two offered the fig again more histerics but this time he tries to take it form me to throw it away in doing so he bites threw the skin and get a taste hmmmmm nope still must be rid of this throws it again (we play the I drop it daddy picks it up and offers it again game) he bites it again smacks his beak and drops it to the bottom of his play gym. I go read and watch he ignores it for a while then climbs down his gym and I think he's going to throw it off again when he starts picking at it and ends up eating a good quarter of it then drops it. Yea!! of course I only bought four (one of which daddy had to taste to make sure they were ripe) so it's back to the market to get some more, guess I'll get some almonds in the shell $3.99 a lb. since I'm there. This took less time than it did to get him to try a grape. (Three months):green2:
You are so funny!! You make me laugh the way you tell the fid stories.
My little guys are the same way. They all LOVE broccoli, except one. That is the one that will freak out and violently throw the broccoli. Luckily the dog likes it....

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