A Wild Pet Bird Idea


New member
Jun 7, 2011
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Acorn - a Yellow Sided Green Cheek Conure;
Bob - a Cockatiel;
Cricket - an American Budgie
I think this would be a bad idea, but the concept intrigues me. Getting some Hooded Pitohui (Hooded Pitohui - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) as decorative pets. They could not be proper companions like Bob as touching them causes problems, but they are pretty birds and quite unique, at least biologically. I doubt that I could live with a purely decorative pet as I would always want to hold or pet it. It is also doubtful that they would be happy just living in a cage looking pretty. But it is a nice fantasy.
I have never heard of this species either. Very interesting....
Hey, if you are looking for another bird and want a smaller one...have you considered a parrolette ? I was just curious.
they are only poisnous because of the food they eat, kinda like poison dart frogs. Im sure you can get one, but the fact that they arnt as exotic because the poison wears off might not appeal to you as much after youve had it for a while.
I'm not going to try to get one. And until Bob is older and better trained I have no intention of getting another bird.

I would ideally like some kind of small corvid next, but I doubt that I will be able to afford one.

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