A Special thank you to SilverSage


Active member
Jan 14, 2015
San Antonio
Cora lovebird
Sky parakeet
For helping talk me out of getting a Conure. I'm quite content with my current types of birds. After having my fids for a while I've decided not to get any other types of bird. Don't take this the wrong way please but I'm really a budgie person.Jet is still loved and still gets to be with me. He is loved and taken care of but he does get heavy after a while. I love how light budgies are.

Ace will now sit on my head for a few seconds before flying off. Jet came to me on his own today.
I am sure there are times when we all need that special talk. Like every time I see a sun conure looking miserable in a Petsmart. I call my sponsor, Er, my best friend and it goes like this:

"I saw a sunny--"
"But he--"
"No. Go home to your dogs."
"But he's so--"
"Don't make me come up there and blow a whistle a centimeter away from your ear."
"I hate you."
"You'll love me in the morning. You know, when the sun rises and you can sleep in."

A similar conversation happens every time I see an Italian Greyhound, a particularly colorful bearded dragon, and a bantam chicken, too. ;)
I am sure there are times when we all need that special talk. Like every time I see a sun conure looking miserable in a Petsmart. I call my sponsor, Er, my best friend and it goes like this:

"I saw a sunny--"
"But he--"
"No. Go home to your dogs."
"But he's so--"
"Don't make me come up there and blow a whistle a centimeter away from your ear."
"I hate you."
"You'll love me in the morning. You know, when the sun rises and you can sleep in."

A similar conversation happens every time I see an Italian Greyhound, a particularly colorful bearded dragon, and a bantam chicken, too. ;)

Lol!!! OMG this is me!! My poor fiance always needs to talk sense into me...
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My sincere apologies it was actually RavensGryf.

Reading all the posts about screaming birds helped too.
From Puck,
"A similar conversation happens every time I see an Italian Greyhound, a particularly colorful bearded dragon, and a bantam chicken, too."

Hear ya, am down to three beardies, from over 100!! And banties-did not know they could fly when I first got them. Put em into my newly built enclosure and watched them fly away!
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My sincere apologies it was actually RavensGryf.

Reading all the posts about screaming birds helped too.

Huh :confused: Did I actually say something good?! What was it? LOL!

I'm actually a HUGE fan of budgies :D. I was at a Petsmart today in fact, and I saw a beautiful color... It was yellow and the front was a light avocado green. Almost lime green, but more of a toned down hue. I really wanted it :). Our Petsmarts out here always have the prettiest and unusual budgie mutations. Petco not so much.
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I copied and pasted you're post. It was back when I got Jet.

Well first, conures are much different from cockatiels! They're similar size (tiel and gcc) but so different temperament wise.

Many people will say their conures are wonderful pets, and I'm sure they are... But have you heard Birdman666 say about Conures, that they're just shrunken Macaws? Therefore, they "can be" a needier species. Even a well adjusted one taught to be independent, is still not AS independent as some other species. Cockatiels are one of the more independent ones. Which means it might be a bit easier. Keep in mind too, easier doesn't necessarily mean beginner, and needier doesn't necessarily mean an advanced parrot... It just comes down to what you specific traits you want, and are right for you and your lifestyle. I love the more independent species personally.

I'd get the species that YOU want, regardless of whether they'll be friends with Ace. I personally don't think anything goes as well with a Budgie as another Budgie. I'd get another bird without assuming they'll get along. The budgie is so tiny, he'll have to be watched with any other species anyway. If I had to choose who "might" get along better with Ace, and might become friends, I'd say cockatiel. The tiel is also Australian, also more parakeet-like, and generally are easy going with other species. There's my opinion
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I was at petsmart last week and saw some beauties too. I stood there for a long time wishing I could buy a few. Then I noticed something. One of the budgies was loose. It wasn't as beautiful as the rest but as I was walking to my car thinking if I had it it wouldn't have to escape I turned around and took 2 steps back towards the door and almost went back for it.
Aw thanks Grace ;)

...I predict... More budgies in your future :D!! Lol..

Twigs keeps bugging me to get him that flight cage he's had his eye on, and a new friend (since my other budgie died last year). I might just have to cave this once lol. I'd like to get an English though. Twigs is desperate for friends, and he "plays" with my parrots now, but I just don't think it's a good idea to mingle them everyday long term. Griffin has already caught him by the tail and flight feather before :(.

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