a ringneck with a possible allergy to my soap?


New member
Apr 1, 2020
ernie, a yellow indian ringneck
my baby ringneck has been sneezing without any resolve for about 3 weeks now. i finally noticed this morning when i got him out to play, he started having what seemed to be an allergy attack after i stroked his head with my freshly washed hands. i use castile soap, and i havenā€™t really found that much in the way of how safe it is for birds, ive read some things that say itā€™s amazing and in now way a problem, and others that say you should never use it around birds? iā€™ve heard of some birds having an allergy to hemp seed, which is in the Dr. Bronnerā€™s castile soap, is this possible? because he seemed to be completely fine today up until my fingers got so close to him.
Is it scented? if so maybe switch to an unscented kind and/or switch brands for a bit and see if it makes a difference. I'm sure as you know birds have sensitive respiratory systems so the scent might just be too much for his little nostrils.
yeah-- I mean, I would involve a vet rather than guessing, but essential oils are still harmful to birds (even if "natural")
yeah-- I mean, I would involve a vet rather than guessing, but essential oils are still harmful to birds (even if "natural")

In one of their other threads they tell how theyve taken the bird to the vet multiple times with no real results.
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itā€™s unscented, but itā€™s mixed with lemon essential oil so that could definitely be the smell thatā€™s irritating him, though iā€™ve read before lemon should be one of the okay ones. but it definitely seemed to irritate his sinuses earlier, at least i think it could be what irritated him. i switched my soap to the kroger generic brand, hopefully iā€™ll be able to see a difference.
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very good advice, iā€™ve probably involved his vet a little too much at this point lol. i took him to his vet three times since the sneezing started, and every visit iā€™ve been told he checks out. they did a gram stain and chlamydia test, neither indicated any signs of an infection so iā€™ve kind of been pulling my hair out trying to figure out what could possibly be wrong
Honestly, despite what people might try to protest, no essential oil is really safe. It's too concentrated for them and just not worth the risk in the long run IMHO
If you are using a scented, or deodorant soap, consider how it is for your health! Another is fabric softeners! My family thinks like they smell like the outdoors!?? For me? Instant sore throat!
Even regular soaps all have a distinctive odor!
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in case anyone sees this, his sneezing has almost completely stopped since i switched my soap! he went from maybe twice every 20 minutes or so to literally maybe once a day. iā€™m beyond ecstatic i was able to find the problem after so many vet bills and constant monitoring. crazy what a simple fix this was. if only iā€™d known that before the vet trips haha.

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