A Macs response to change.


New member
Feb 24, 2015
Shamrock Macaw
How does a Mac respond to change? By turning into an evil little brat, that's how! So I started training for my new job this week. The hours really don't differ much, I'm getting home about 30 minutes later than I did before. Since I started she has been louder, is pinching/biting more often and much harder. I of course am not condoning these behaviors. I only get about 3.5 hours with her each weekday evening though, and want to spend time with her, but she's being such a B!%$#. I'm still making sure we are having positive interactions, just needed to vent to people who have been in this situation and understand.. Lol
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It's so interesting how the slightest change can completely set off a creature of habit. She's probably just letting you know that any less time or attention is a heinous crime and you need to be reprimanded, haha!
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Yup. She's doing better this weekend. She spent yesterday being really cuddly right out the gate. Though Friday she got put in her cage for good through the night due to misbehavior. She drew blood 3 times on me that night. My mom made some good points too.

The weather just did its huge change to fall..as in over night highs went from 98 to 70.

Also she says I'm stressed from the training at work, which I didn't think I was bringing home, but guess I am.

Regardless, I'm happy to have my cuddle bug back!![emoji4]

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