I know this is a bird forum but I also know that a lot of us have dogs or other pets. I wanted to share a short, happy story that happened today. My neighbor’s dog got spooked by a gunshot and bolted on Monday morning. He’s just a little thing, half Yorkie half Shi-tzu, and we’re in a very rural area with lots of natural predators so we were all very worried.
People all over the neighborhood were looking for him, my Mom posted him as missing on several “ lost pets” Facebook groups, a mutual friend sent her some pictures to post so people would know what he looks like. Today was the the fourth day that he’s been missing. It’s been cold out, it rained one night, and the coyotes have been active. Everyone was starting to fear the worst.
Then, this morning, someone reached out to my Mom letting her know that someone had posted pictures of a dog they found who looked like our neighbor’s dog about a mile away! It took some phone calls and messages, and eventually the dog ended up at my sister- in- laws mom’s house and she brought him to us ( because our neighbor was still out looking for him) and we got the dog back to our neighbor! Happy reunion! It took a village to find this dog and get him home. I know lots of people, including me were praying for this dog to come home safely and I believe it was only by the grace of God that he gets to spend the holiday back with his owner! It’s a Thanksgiving miracle

People all over the neighborhood were looking for him, my Mom posted him as missing on several “ lost pets” Facebook groups, a mutual friend sent her some pictures to post so people would know what he looks like. Today was the the fourth day that he’s been missing. It’s been cold out, it rained one night, and the coyotes have been active. Everyone was starting to fear the worst.
Then, this morning, someone reached out to my Mom letting her know that someone had posted pictures of a dog they found who looked like our neighbor’s dog about a mile away! It took some phone calls and messages, and eventually the dog ended up at my sister- in- laws mom’s house and she brought him to us ( because our neighbor was still out looking for him) and we got the dog back to our neighbor! Happy reunion! It took a village to find this dog and get him home. I know lots of people, including me were praying for this dog to come home safely and I believe it was only by the grace of God that he gets to spend the holiday back with his owner! It’s a Thanksgiving miracle