A gentle "Hand Shake"


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
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Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
I took :grey: to a nearby vet, for her wings to be clipped and her nails filed.
While waiting for the vet, I opened Mishka's traveling cage, to see what she was up to. :grey: was standing there still, observing the room through the bars. I put my hand inside to stroke her, she took her claw and wrapped it around my pointer finger. She held my finger for 15 minutes, not moving an inch. We were the only "patients" in the waiting room. Kevin, the Dr on duty sat down to say hello to Mishka. She gently removed her claw from my finger, lifted it up towards Kevin's finger, wrapping her claw around his finger. It was so cute, the way she did it, as if introducing herself to him. Kevin fell in love with her instantly.
:grey: behaved herself while been groomed.
I don't know anyone that "Couldn't" fall in love with Mishka, she's so endearing ;)
I don't know anyone that "Couldn't" fall in love with Mishka, she's so endearing ;)

LoL I think Mishka loves it when people pay attention to her
Mishka brings such pleasure to us all. I giggled my way through her pictures the other day and her talking. Thanks for sharing this with us... I can guess that Dr. Kevin fell hard at her feet.
Sounds like she was nervous and wanted to hold your hand
Every time that I took Sterretjie to the vet she sat on my finger that I stuck through the travel cage, but she will NEVER sit on a strangers finger or even touch one willingly. You have taught Mishka to not fear anything and to be trusting. You have protected her from all wrong and she is a true reflection of your work.

I CANT wait to meet her!
Every time that I took Sterretjie to the vet she sat on my finger that I stuck through the travel cage, but she will NEVER sit on a strangers finger or even touch one willingly. You have taught Mishka to not fear anything and to be trusting. You have protected her from all wrong and she is a true reflection of your work.

I CANT wait to meet her!

Oh believe me Mishka has her fears, and she does not just trust anyone.
I think it's a case of "Monkey see Monkey do" :rolleyes:

16 more hours to go and hello
She is a sweetie... Just like her Mom..
Sounds like she was nervous and wanted to hold your hand

Of course Mishka was nervous, she was in a strange environment, not knowing what was going to happen. :grey: reminded me of a child who was waiting to see the dentist, holding mommy's hand for reassurance.

Hello Antoinette,

I have tried to join, not too good with the computer. Managed to get this far, maybe I should come to you, or if you are in Sandton, you could come here.

Trying to get the things Mischke says, dont have a clue how to! When I wanted to put a photo of Ruby, didn't work. Not even sure how I eventually got you!!

I loved reading your message, and Ruby has cut down 95% on sunflower seeds. Can she still have rusks that a put into my tea to get soft? She loves the buttermilk rusks.

Hope you get this, so wont write much, just in case...

Lots of love,'
Zel. She loves the almonds I bought from you, but only eats about two, whereas the sunflower seeds she used to eat a whole handful! This week I am not giving her any sunflower seeds at all.

Hello Antoinette,

I have tried to join, not too good with the computer. Managed to get this far, maybe I should come to you, or if you are in Sandton, you could come here.

Trying to get the things Mischke says, dont have a clue how to! When I wanted to put a photo of Ruby, didn't work. Not even sure how I eventually got you!!

I loved reading your message, and Ruby has cut down 95% on sunflower seeds. Can she still have rusks that a put into my tea to get soft? She loves the buttermilk rusks.

Hope you get this, so wont write much, just in case...

Lots of love,'
Zel. She loves the almonds I bought from you, but only eats about two, whereas the sunflower seeds she used to eat a whole handful! This week I am not giving her any sunflower seeds at all.

Zelda, at least your got this far LoL.

Glad Ruby is weaning off the sunflower seeds, you may use them a treats remember that okay.

Glad to have you joining us

I will pm you pertaining to posting, pics etc, no problem


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