A couple new photos of Geordi the Meyer's


New member
Sep 26, 2011
Stitch the Blue Crown Conure
Here's our little grouchy pip <3


Ohh he looks lovely! I really want a Meyers/IRN. I just think Meyers are so adorable and cute.

Is he a cuddlebug?
I too love a Meyers parrot. Tried for a long time to fine one but could not. No more room now.
Very cute. My sister used to have one. He was very cuddly with her, but every time I watched him for a weekend, he tried to tear me to shreds.
Very nice looking bird. They are usually one person birds?
Very nice looking bird. They are usually one person birds?

I'm not sure if they usually are, but my sister's definitely was. She would bring him here in a small travel cage and it was very hard for me to give him his food and water without getting torn up. I also couldn't clean the cage because that one didn't have the slide out tray or grate that his usual cage did. The weird part is he loved to talk to me, and would greet me heartily every time I walked into her house, but I couldn't get near him. I even taught him some new words on the weekends he was here.

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