A big hello from SoCal!


Active member
Jul 4, 2019
Now in the beautiful Midwest!
Bertie, the feisty, 17-yr-old, road-trippin’, green cheek conure
Hey there! I just joined after looking for helpful info and finding your wonderful forum!

I've had birds in my life from a young age, starting with my grandma's canary and my brother's parakeet. I had cockatiels in my 20s as well.

Many years back I took in a friend's 'tiel they rescued from family member- it had not been out of the cage for 14 years, except to be attacked by a cat. It almost lost a wing and became a neurotic feather-picker. They wanted to give it a better life. I took it in to try and socialize it for them- it could do some damage! Mostly, I just left the cage door open, got it some decent food, and went about my day. It couldn't fly anymore, but sitting with me in the living room, came around after several months. It started wandering over to me, and became a decent little guy! They took it back, got it a room with perches, and even a second 'tiel that it took to quite easily. The senior years were happy ones.
More recently, I hand-raised some 10-day old cockatiels I got from a home breeder who didn't have time for them. It was an adventure, to say the least! I've been in animal rescue and vet medicine most of my life, so I've done a fair bit of orphan care...but as you all know, those little tykes are time-consuming!:D
They did wonderfully (as you can see in my avatar) and went off to a great home nearby, so I still get updates.
The whole experience has left me wanting a little tyke of my own. I started looking around and found a 14-year-old GCC needing a new home. I'm going to meet it and the owners this weekend and see how it goes!
I'm sure I'll be asking a lot of questions soon!

Welcome Dee! Sounds like you have lots of experience - I hope the GCC that you’re meeting works out :). Look forward to hearing more as the adventure progresses.
You sound like our kinds of folks!
I'm very glad you found us.

It's so great to have you here Dee. I can hardly wait to meet your 'little tyke', the 14 yo GCC :D.
Welcome Dee! You seem perfectly suited, looking forward to a nice tale of adoption.

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