A Big Hello From Canada!


New member
Jun 9, 2011
Calgary, Alberta
Green Cheek Conure
Hi Everybody!

Jerry here from Calgary, Alberta.
I have had a bird of some kind in my life as far back as I can remeber.
From pigeons and goldfinches in Europe to budgies, canaries, lovebirds,
conure, and finches here in Canada.

I have a pair of Cuban Melodious Finches that hatched
some babies today.


A pair of yellow gouldian finches on four eggs expected to hatch any day.


A male, MULE:Goldfinch X Canary for singing.


Also the reason I joind this group,
my newest adition to the family; "Coco"the coconut a GCC pinapple.


Hi and welcome to the forum...I think some day I will own finches...I just love listening to them...and your conure is a doll....
By the way...I see he is chewing on your necklace...please be careful with that...I don't know what it is made of but I know of birds that have died from chewing on silver wedding bands...they ended up with metal poisoning so please be careful.....
I love the name coco for your bird...very cute.
It's so nice to have a fellow Canadian on the forum, I'm on the other side in Toronto but I used to live in Drumheller. Coco is absolutely adorable, I've always wanted a conure and think I might look into getting one next.

Welcome Jerry.
Hi Jerry! I am new to the boards and also from Calgary (well, Airdrie, but almost Calgary!) :) I am jealous of your beautiful finches, I would love some in a large aviary some day, but with three parrots in a townhouse we are basically at capacity. Coconut is a cutie, GCC's have such huge personalities!

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