A bath is a foreign concept


New member
Apr 19, 2015
Clyde, Quaker; Freddie, tiel; Rocky, umbrella cockatoo.
I got Rocky a dishtub for a bath the very first day. I have left it on top of his cage and inside his cage both, with clean water, every day. I splash in it and say "bath? wanna bath?" and he just looks at me. Today was bath day for the little parrots and I gave them their dishes and misted the ones who like that (I have a couple who like both) so I brought the spray bottle in to Rocky and tried misting him. I sprayed it above him so it would fall on him instead of spraying it on him, which is what my tiels and Quaker and budgie like. He didn't act afraid, but he was definitely puzzled and I don't think he liked it. I splashed in his tub, too. No dice. He was not interested. Then I put fresh water in the wild birds' bath and there was a steady stream of birds using it and I pointed it out to him, and he watched, but his demeanor was more like disgust than interest. "Ewwww, what are they DOING??" lol
Lol he'll catch on in time. It helps to offer the bath water and perhaps mist at the same time every day...mornings seem to work well with birds. Don't be discouraged, he'll figure it out in his own time. Having him Sit on your shoulder while holding a bathing bowl (not too deep) while you splash it with your fingers helps stimulate the bathing response. Running a vacuum or stove-top fan stimulates the bathing instinct as well. :)
When I got Buddy, it took me 4 months to get him to bathe and that happened by taking in my shower, and getting wet, making it a big, fun production. I was wet, having fun so he joined in. Me not so much with mascara running down my face and hairspray becoming glue, lol. Now he will shower with me only, it's a group activity. If I try to mist him, he runs like I'm trying to set him on fire. So I've stuck with the human shower.

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