
You're doing EXCELLENT. So proud of you. I don't think your bird is cage bound, that we can tell in much later part of the trust building process. For now, you are a Golden example of just how to approach a bird and going at the birds pace. Keep doing that and you'll very likely build a deep trust and healthy bond with your bird! 😊
😝 just noticed my double stack baby gate in the background! Lol it was just a convenient place to put that second gate for a min. It normally holds the guitars up in the closet. I swear I'm not a crazy person, it just looks like it sometimes😁
I've done that for a variety of reasons over the years - it's a handy trick!
Well I wish I had some great exciting news about how The Rebel is progressing but so far we are just having small wins. She is eating quinoa and wild rice but still picky about her vegetables. Targets like a champ! In her cage. but still won't come out. So I rearranged the perches and put them a little closer to the door. She will step up on the dowel but is very nervous with the give when she steps onto it. However a few days ago she wouldn't step on it at all if it gave under her weight. So we're getting there but still going turtle speed.
Sounds like I make her do alot but mostly we just hang out and jam or listen to music. She has a low pressure life😂
I did think she would get pretty scared when I brought out the drums but she loved it! Must be her loud conure instincts she's just always ready to party! From the safety of her cage...
I swear me and this bird have alot in common, little bit of a shut in, not super fond of being touched and naturally loud!
Awww that's good to hear!
The trust building process and just developing a stable trust bond with any bird is a real challenge!
Just continue doing whatever makes your bird comfy and the idea with the perches is great! Allows your bird to have the option to step up onto it to the door but at the same time it's not forcing her to do anything!
Keep it up and you will continue seeing great amount of progress!
That all sounds like good progress! I live that she loves drumming :) Just wait, someday she'll figure out how fun it is to play them herself! 😁
It's been great and by the way I'm really enjoying watching your progress with Cotton it's been interesting seeing where you guys are at together since I know we got Cotton and The Rebel Pepper 🌶 around the same time. He looks so happy
I always think the same thing when you post! 😁

Cotton is not a fan of me since going to the vet but I'll win him over again :)
I know the feeling! When I had to get Pepper in the crate, having only touched her once and that was at the rescue... I thought it was all going to be over😂 but we gained back what little relationship we had before. And it was worth it she had me concerned on a couple things but it turns out I just worry alot!

Cotton will come back around I think he like to play coy a bit
Oh golly yes Cotton is very clearly more clever than I am when it comes to emotional manipulation 😄
You always need to remember that parrots rate of acceptance of new things is GLACIAL compared with our quick monkey brains. Tiny steps forward are the rule rather then the exception. Keep trying but dont push.
I loved reading your thread, and about your journey! I think you two, like you said are kindred spirits 🤣 so funny what you said ‘sorta shut in, not super fond of touch, and loud!!” Just hilarious. Hey, however your flourish thru this life, do it! Your rebel is such a cutie! Maybe she/he? (Don’t recall) will eventually just creep to the outside of the cage to hang out, and be outside before she has realized what side of the ‘fence’ she is on!!
Well I don't t know how I missed your thread!!! Love your nanday!!!
Great work, awesome update!
Id just add perches on the outside abd top.

It really does take time with cage bound parrots.
Looks like you are getting there though!

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