7 week old ringneck


New member
Apr 18, 2018
I got my ringneck when he was around 3 weeks old... Now that he is 7 weeks old he has started to fly a little bit. I want to know how can i train him to come to me when i call him.:green2:
Bribes :) lots of bribes.

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yup, bribery or as I just mis-spelled it 'birbery'

the favourite treats, tickles, cuddle times and anything else they love will work as the best rewards to get them recall trained
Yes, treats will be your best friend for training! You an use anything they really like, a nut, sunflower seed, millet, cracker, etc.

Look up 'teach parrot flight recall' on youtube for some helpful videos.
You can train recall training either through a modified step up program or through target training. :)

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