6month old Sun regurgitating for me?


Mar 31, 2015
Pennsylvania, USA
Gcc- Conlan... Sun Conure- Mouse...Jenday- Kellan... RLA- Happy...B&G Macaw- Rhage
What the heck is she doing and how do I stop it? She's 6 months old and I'm trying to get her away from the 'I'm a human baby' stage. But if I'm holding her she's tries to regurgitate for me. She never spits it up because I try to stop her by putting her down for earthquakeing my arm. She only does this with me and does it every time I take her out and she's sitting on my chest /in my hand.

Why is she doing this and should I allow it? I've never had one do this before :/
My 6 month old crimson belly does the same thing, but it is when I wake her up in the morning and when she goes to bed at night, and maybe if I am gone all day when I come home she will do the whole head bob for me. When I spoke to the vet he said that I should take it as a compliment and that with her going through her first molt her hormones can be kicking in and cause more mating behaviors. She started off doing it frequently and I didn't discourage the behavior, but I didn't encourage it either.
Food = Love
It can be a combination of hormones, and also still some reflex of being fed as a chick, it's their most recent "happy" expression. It means they're happy or excited, and unless they're really consistently regurgitating food, it shouldn't be a problem.

Most of us just pay no mind to it, or redirect it to a different behavior.

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