5 reasons to like Crows


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Oct 23, 2015
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5 Cockatiels
[ame="https://youtu.be/jPTtowjXBVM"]5 Reasons To Like Crows (American Crow) - YouTube[/ame]
Crows are my favorite bird! Corvids are AWESOME!
I have made a start at least twice to tell the story of the crows at my work place.

Short version is.

I have befriended a family of crows that live and nest on the property where I work. Have been doing so for 5 years or so.

I feed them some of my leftovers from lunch and call them with a certain noise.

The recognise me when they see me walking between buildings. When they see me they will fly close by me so I can't miss seeing them and knowing they are there.

They build there nest in the trees near the buildings at work. Every time someone walks by the tree with the nest (when babies are there) the parents start calling CAW..CAW.. and flying around over the people in defense of the nest. When I walk by the tree with the nest they make no noise at all. They know I am not a threat and I can watch the nest and sometimes see the you birds sticking there heads above the edge of the nest.

The Washington State experiment mentioned in the video with the caveman masks was made into a Nova PBS show called "A Murder of Crows" and is very interesting to watch.
They're clever birds, but Cairo is always on edge around them. Apparently when he got lost one time, someone saw some crows chase him off. So he starts his warning squawk whenever I start walking towards crows :p Now I have to avoid them for his sanity.
Crows really are amazing birds. The only down side to them is that they chase any bird that's not a crow.

I love them and I also feed them when no one can see me:p
My Cockatiels are very unhappy about the Raven nest in our neighbors backyard tree.
I jutry to keep that side of there cage covered so they don’t see them fly by.
as someone with gothic/alternative influences to my dress sense I certainly do enjoy a good Corvid I'm slowly trying to befriend the local ones by my home, along with the magpies that normally hang around
Yaaa, I have to admit that I like Crows also. In Michigan our Crows move South for the Winter and groups of Northern Crows from Canada over-Winter here. They are notability larger and are likely Ravens.

The largest Ravens I have seen are the Royal (likely not the correct name) Ravens in London. Now those are spoiled Ravens!
Thanks for the reminder that Crows are well worth liking.
I love crows - and I’m happy to encourage them to stay around our property. I have chickens and love the fact that the crows like to chase large birds of prey away from our yard. You can absolutely see the intelligence in the way they work together, and the way that they assess situations and people.
If you ever see the young crows. Good at flying but still fresh out of the nest they take such enjoyment from flight alone. They chase each other and zoom around buildings and trees.
You can tell they are flying for the enjoyment of it and playing some kind of game with the other birds with rules only they understand.
remember the crows in the movie dumbo? haha all i have to say is this: if you have a pet crow, don't name it Jim! [ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXqd5d-zHMQ"]Dumbo - Elephant in the Tree - YouTube[/ame]

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