4 weeks old IRN is sneezing and not acting well please help.


New member
May 17, 2018
Hello people! First of all, I'd like to thank everyone for this amazing forum, forums like these help us keep an innocent soul healthy!

I bought a 2 weeks old Indian ring neck 2 weeks ago, the breeder told me to feed him Nestle's Cerelac and nothing else. I've been feeding him well with a 3ml syringe and the baby was pretty much healthy all the time was acting funny, cuddly and all but however, 2 days ago. He is sneezing and I could see nasal discharge coming out from his one nostril the discharge is clear and doesn't have any smell though, I'm curious what's happening with him because his droppings are very watery and have light green color now, previously they were dark green colored and since the color of cerelac is yellowish, I am concerned why his droppings are green? and one more thing the place where I live has a very warm temperature. I keep him in a box opened with some ambient ceiling fan air blowing in the room, please tell me should i do this? or should I completely keep him away from the air because he's just 4 weeks old and he doesn't have proper feathers right now on his body. Also, one more thing whenever I feed him he keeps on making constant noises. I can post a video if somebody wants. The only reason I'm posting now is that I can feel my baby is sick and needs proper treatment. Please help I can't bear to lose him. I love him.

P.S: there aren't any avian vets in my local area so I cant consult an avian vet any time soon.

Your bird has an infection and likely has only hours to live! While you find a vet who will see you I’ll try to help you narrow down what caused the problem to start with. But for now RUSH TO THE VET! Get gram stains! You need an antibiotic and likely an antifungal RIGHT NOW!

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1) what temperature is the formula you are feeding him?
2) What temperature is the box you are keeping him (reading your post, I’m almost certain this is your killer)?
3) How much are you feeding him?
4) How often are you feeding him?

Now like I said GO TO THE VET! Get gram stains! Honestly by the time people post here the baby almost never survives because IMMEDIATE ACTION IS NEEDED! You said he’s been this way for DAYS already so GO NOW!

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Your bird has an infection and likely has only hours to live! While you find a vet who will see you I’ll try to help you narrow down what caused the problem to start with. But for now RUSH TO THE VET! Get gram stains! You need an antibiotic and likely an antifungal RIGHT NOW!

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I cannot get him to a vet i'll need to change cities and that'll cause me like 6,7 hours. Please help me im in a pretty bad situation
You want me to believe there is not a SINGLE veterinarian of ANY KIND in your whole city???

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1) what temperature is the formula you are feeding him?
2) What temperature is the box you are keeping him (reading your post, I’m almost certain this is your killer)?
3) How much are you feeding him?
4) How often are you feeding him?

Now like I said GO TO THE VET! Get gram stains! Honestly by the time people post here the baby almost never survives because IMMEDIATE ACTION IS NEEDED! You said he’s been this way for DAYS already so GO NOW!

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1: 36c+ i warm up the water a little bit before putting in the formula. (Cerelac)

2: The box temp might be 32-33c with ambient room air flow (Its a cardbox)

3: 12,13ml 4,5 times a day. with 5,6hours intervals.

4: 4,5 times a day. (That is because he usually screams for food i've noticed)

One more thing since 2 days my parrot isn't resting properly as well.

PLEASE HELP ME I am in shambles right now.
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You want me to believe there is not a SINGLE veterinarian of ANY KIND in your whole city???

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I live in a ruler area yeah you need to believe me. In Pakistan there aren't much avian vets in ruler areas
Agreed, your baby IRN is sick with some type of infection, either Bacterial, Fungal, or both, and at his age he needs treatment immediately! You've got a lot going on that is not good, not your fault but the fault of the breeder who sold you a parrot that was only 2 weeks old, that's sinful. But nothing you can do about that now, now you must get your bird to a veterinarian ASAP for cultures to determine exactly what microbes are causing his infection, and to determine the correct prescription medications that will work to treat these specific microbes. Without getting such a young bird medical help soon, he will become very, very sick and pass away.

This is not your fault, to sell a 2 week old parrot to someone with no baby bird hand-raising experience, and to give them no instructions at all on how to house them or feed them properly is just shameful. You're doing everything you know how to do, we know that, but please, find a veterinarian right now...

You should have vets who treat livestock, correct? If so, then I'm sure that you can find a vet who treats poultry, like chickens, ducks, etc. That's better than a general vet, as they would still have bird knowledge...
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Agreed, your baby IRN is sick with some type of infection, either Bacterial, Fungal, or both, and at his age he needs treatment immediately! You've got a lot going on that is not good, not your fault but the fault of the breeder who sold you a parrot that was only 2 weeks old, that's sinful. But nothing you can do about that now, now you must get your bird to a veterinarian ASAP for cultures to determine exactly what microbes are causing his infection, and to determine the correct prescription medications that will work to treat these specific microbes. Without getting such a young bird medical help soon, he will become very, very sick and pass away.

This is not your fault, to sell a 2 week old parrot to someone with no baby bird hand-raising experience, and to give them no instructions at all on how to house them or feed them properly is just shameful. You're doing everything you know how to do, we know that, but please, find a veterinarian right now...

You should have vets who treat livestock, correct? If so, then I'm sure that you can find a vet who treats poultry, like chickens, ducks, etc. That's better than a general vet, as they would still have bird knowledge...

I've been trying all I can, I've been even waking up in the middle of nights to keep an eye on him and properly and yeah I agree the breeder was a fool, I am really feeling down now. I can't lose him.
Then you need to take him 6 or 7 hours to the nearest city with a poultry/avian vet, because there is absolutely nothing you can do diagnoses and/or treat an infection caused by bacteria or fungi otherwise...

This infection has been caused because you were sold a baby without a developed immune system, and because of this he has developed one, if not multiple infections. You have to understand, a 4 week old baby bird has barely any immunity at all to infections, at 2 weeks he had none. This is why you should never buy such a young parrot. However, again, nothing you can do about that now, but you do need to understand that without medical testing and treatment he is going to die. The fact that he's already been this sick for at least a few days already is also very, very bad, so right now you need to find a vet...
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Then you need to take him 6 or 7 hours to the nearest city with a poultry/avian vet, because there is absolutely nothing you can do diagnoses and/or treat an infection caused by bacteria or fungi otherwise...

This infection has been caused because you were sold a baby without a developed immune system, and because of this he has developed one, if not multiple infections. You have to understand, a 4 week old baby bird has barely any immunity at all to infections, at 2 weeks he had none. This is why you should never buy such a young parrot. However, again, nothing you can do about that now, but you do need to understand that without medical testing and treatment he is going to die. The fact that he's already been this sick for at least a few days already is also very, very bad, so right now you need to find a vet...

Thanks a lot for your help... I'll go out now and search any areas I can. Thanks again everyone..
I wish we had something better to tell you to do, but the only way to treat a bacterial or fungal infection and have it work and make him better, is to take cultures, diagnose the bug causing the infection, and then giving the correct medication...

If he has a fungal infection and you give him an antibiotic mistakenly, it will probably end up killing him by making the fungal infection worse. And if he has a bacterial infection and you give him an antifungal medication it will not help the bacterial infection and he'll die from it because it's not being treated...And if you give him either medications and they aren't the correct medications for the specific infection(s) he has, he'll die. So you see why you can't treat it yourself, not with an only 4 week old baby. He can't take much more at this point, he needs professional help right now...

Please, if there's anything else we can do for you please just ask, you do need some help with how you are keeping him and feeding him, as the formula you are feeding him is not close to being warm enough to prevent crop and digestive issues, nor is the ambient temperature you have him living in at 4 weeks...But right now, please go find a vet and let us know how he does...
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I wish we had something better to tell you to do, but the only way to treat a bacterial or fungal infection and have it work and make him better, is to take cultures, diagnose the bug causing the infection, and then giving the correct medication...

If he has a fungal infection and you give him an antibiotic mistakenly, it will probably end up killing him by making the fungal infection worse. And if he has a bacterial infection and you give him an antifungal medication it will not help the bacterial infection and he'll die from it because it's not being treated...And if you give him either medications and they aren't the correct medications for the specific infection(s) he has, he'll die. So you see why you can't treat it yourself, not with an only 4 week old baby. He can't take much more at this point, he needs professional help right now...

Please, if there's anything else we can do for you please just ask, you do need some help with how you are keeping him and feeding him, as the formula you are feeding him is not close to being warm enough to prevent crop and digestive issues, nor is the ambient temperature you have him living in at 4 weeks...But right now, please go find a vet and let us know how he does...

meanwhile im finding a vet please tell me about these things:

1: What kind of temp should i keep him in? and what kind of box? i have a cardboard box in which im keeping as of now

2: Im feeding him Nestle's cerelac how much consistency does it needs? like how much water % and formula %

3: how much warm should i keep the water warm when i prepare the food for him?

Great advice has been given so far, I'm afraid without some sort of medication to combat the infection from a vet he may not improve. Unfortunately there is not much we can do to help you at this point. It is the same as having a doctor for a sick baby human, if you want your baby to live you drive as long as you have to to get help.

Please keep us updated on your baby.
I wish we had something better to tell you to do, but the only way to treat a bacterial or fungal infection and have it work and make him better, is to take cultures, diagnose the bug causing the infection, and then giving the correct medication...

If he has a fungal infection and you give him an antibiotic mistakenly, it will probably end up killing him by making the fungal infection worse. And if he has a bacterial infection and you give him an antifungal medication it will not help the bacterial infection and he'll die from it because it's not being treated...And if you give him either medications and they aren't the correct medications for the specific infection(s) he has, he'll die. So you see why you can't treat it yourself, not with an only 4 week old baby. He can't take much more at this point, he needs professional help right now...

Please, if there's anything else we can do for you please just ask, you do need some help with how you are keeping him and feeding him, as the formula you are feeding him is not close to being warm enough to prevent crop and digestive issues, nor is the ambient temperature you have him living in at 4 weeks...But right now, please go find a vet and let us know how he does...

meanwhile im finding a vet please tell me about these things:

1: What kind of temp should i keep him in? and what kind of box? i have a cardboard box in which im keeping as of now

2: Im feeding him Nestle's cerelac how much consistency does it needs? like how much water % and formula %

3: how much warm should i keep the water warm when i prepare the food for him?


1. He should be kept around 85 degrees F or 29 degrees Celcius if he is fully-feathered until weaning.

2. I am not familiar with what you're using to feed but it should be the consistency of gravy or a runny pudding. Water to formula ratio, it should say on the instructions of your container.

3. The water should be 104-106 degrees For 40-41 degrees Celcius. It should be very warm, but not too hot or it will burn the crop.
1) what temperature is the formula you are feeding him?
2) What temperature is the box you are keeping him (reading your post, I’m almost certain this is your killer)?
3) How much are you feeding him?
4) How often are you feeding him?

Now like I said GO TO THE VET! Get gram stains! Honestly by the time people post here the baby almost never survives because IMMEDIATE ACTION IS NEEDED! You said he’s been this way for DAYS already so GO NOW!

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1: 36c+ i warm up the water a little bit before putting in the formula. (Cerelac)

2: The box temp might be 32-33c with ambient room air flow (Its a cardbox)

3: 12,13ml 4,5 times a day. with 5,6hours intervals.

4: 4,5 times a day. (That is because he usually screams for food i've noticed)

One more thing since 2 days my parrot isn't resting properly as well.

PLEASE HELP ME I am in shambles right now.

1) your formula is WAY to cold. Your formula needs to be 40 - 43.3 degrees AFTER the formula is added.

2) your brooder is not NEARLY warm enough! The baby needs to be kept at 36.1-36.9 degrees!

Well, now you know WHY your bird is sick and you have to change those things, but he is already way too sick to survive without treatment. ANY vet can prescribe antibiotics and antifungals. If you can’t find a vet, go to a doctor. If you do not get the medications AND start keeping your bird suitably warm and feed warm enough formula he WILL DIE. Probably today, maybe within the next few hours.

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I just looked up the formula you are feeding; I had assumed that it was a brand of baby bird formula I had never heard of but it is actually human infant cereal. You need to order actual baby bird formula.

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I just looked up the formula you are feeding; I had assumed that it was a brand of baby bird formula I had never heard of but it is actually human infant cereal. You need to order actual baby bird formula.

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Oh wow, I didn't realize this either. Baby parrots are not baby humans!! Please try to find some legitimate PARROT/BABY BIRD formula. I know it may be tricky in your area but I am worried for your baby.
get to the vet and keep the bird there until someone more knowledgeable than you weans that bird

what on this planet made you think to feed a baby bird baby human food was a good idea is beyond me.

If vets aren't available where you are, if birds are illegally sold constantly, if food or toys or cages or the basic needs these birds require aren't available then don't get a bird!
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Thank you, everyone, for the great response, I'm sorry I fed him the wrong diet its because I've never bought pet birds before and the breeder told me to feed him that diet. It's not my fault I just did what the breeder said. All in all, my bird is showing some good signs he's moving here and there now and I found an avian vet, he's 14hours away from my place I'm currently driving and on the way to the vet. Wish me luck people. Thanks alot. I'll update the situation.

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