2 year old Rainbow Lorikeet


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Jul 8, 2011
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South Africa
2 year old Rainbow Lorikeet - Rio

So after many hours of internet surfing and visiting a 2 year old rainbow lorikeet I have decided to take him. We got a cage food and water bowels and lorikeet formula. Just a quick question i have looked at what fruit and veg they eat and I'm not sure if the veg is to be cooked or given raw.

He is not very tame as he was not handled every day and has no ring on his foot is this something I should be worried about?

He also puffs himself up and then shakes dis feathers every couple of min. not sure if this is normal
Hi! Congratulations on your new lorikeet! They are very fun birds, aside from their projectile liquid poops.

No ring on his foot, not really something to concern yourself with. My Senegal has no ring, it is not unusual for the smaller birds to not have rings.

No idea about the puffing feather shaking behavior. I have not seen that before. I would probably be a good idea to get him to a vet to get checked out if you are able (should be done with all new birds)

They are very fun birds, aside from their projectile liquid poops.
OMG yes... I used to have a rainbow lorikeet, his poops were so gross! lol.

Luckily I potty trained him a BIT but man, he pooped like crazy.

My lorikeet was pretty boring and would sometimes eat fruit, (apple, berries, mango, watermelon), but he would mainly just lick all the juice of them and bite them a bit then leave them alone, haha.

With the puffyness thing he's doing does he kinda like, stretch up his neck, puff out his feathers and then shake himself, making his feathers smooth again? My lorikeet used to do it too... and I've seen wild birds do it. I think it's just their equivalent of rearranging themselves and getting comfy... Mine did it a lot when he was sleeping.

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