2 Week Mark


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Mar 7, 2024
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I've had my budgie for 2 weeks today, got him at supposedly 3 months old (hes a mutation) and I have yet to hear him chirp to me. Only chirps to other birds and I'm beginning to think he's not ordinary. I've been hand feeding him for a week (he lets me), feeding it spray millet for a few days, talking to him at least an hour a day since i got him and his cage is in my room (he can always see what im doing, i make 0 sudden movements that could scare him and everything i do is at his pace). I'm really discouraged as its my first bird but all he does is eat and sleep. He's basically decoration in my room at this point. He has fresh water available all the time (change it twice daily), i always clean his food of casings (at least twice daily) and he has had a cuttlebone in his cage from when i got him (still hasnt used it. Its hard to believe this is normal as hes not a rescue and i got him from a reputable breeder. Please tell me this will change?
I've had my budgie for 2 weeks today, got him at supposedly 3 months old (hes a mutation) and I have yet to hear him chirp to me. Only chirps to other birds and I'm beginning to think he's not ordinary. I've been hand feeding him for a week (he lets me), feeding it spray millet for a few days, talking to him at least an hour a day since i got him and his cage is in my room (he can always see what im doing, i make 0 sudden movements that could scare him and everything i do is at his pace). I'm really discouraged as its my first bird but all he does is eat and sleep. He's basically decoration in my room at this point. He has fresh water available all the time (change it twice daily), i always clean his food of casings (at least twice daily) and he has had a cuttlebone in his cage from when i got him (still hasnt used it. Its hard to believe this is normal as hes not a rescue and i got him from a reputable breeder. Please tell me this will change?
Yes this will change! You're doing pretty much everything right to help him settle in, just please don't forget he is only a baby and he's been through some radical changes in his young life. It can take a new bird easily three or four weeks or sometimes months to settle in and begin to feel comfortable in their new surroundings, up until that time they can be a bit "shut down" while they work out that this is their forever home and that you're not going to eat them! Give him another few weeks to learn his new routine, and he will start to let his guard down and his personality will begin to shine through! Most parrots are "prey" species in the wild, so it can take time for them to begin to trust, but it will happen if you continue doing what you're doing, moving slowly, treating him with gentleness and taking things at his pace. The milestones will happen, and there may be setbacks along the way, but it will be SO rewarding when he finally does learn that he can trust you! Oh and what is his name by the way? Apologies if you mentioned it before, I'm on some pretty strong headache pills right now so I may have missed it!
I second what has been said above; you have to give your new bird time to settle in and adjust. For your bird, it’s sort of like getting dropped in a foreign country with no friends and no knowledge of the language or culture! Just be patient with him and keep doing what you are doing to help him learn you are a friend 🙂. He’s young enough that he may not be chirping very much yet. One trick I have heard for getting a budgie to chirp at you is to whistle at them instead of talking as this is closer to a “ bird sound.” Worth a try!
Yes this will change! You're doing pretty much everything right to help him settle in, just please don't forget he is only a baby and he's been through some radical changes in his young life. It can take a new bird easily three or four weeks or sometimes months to settle in and begin to feel comfortable in their new surroundings, up until that time they can be a bit "shut down" while they work out that this is their forever home and that you're not going to eat them! Give him another few weeks to learn his new routine, and he will start to let his guard down and his personality will begin to shine through! Most parrots are "prey" species in the wild, so it can take time for them to begin to trust, but it will happen if you continue doing what you're doing, moving slowly, treating him with gentleness and taking things at his pace. The milestones will happen, and there may be setbacks along the way, but it will be SO rewarding when he finally does learn that he can trust you! Oh and what is his name by the way? Apologies if you mentioned it before, I'm on some pretty strong headache pills right now so I may have missed it!
Thank you very much for your reply! I havent mentioned his name yet here as I still hadnt named him when I wrote the first post. His name is Tsuki (I am from the balkans and my dad used to call me this when I was young but later I also found out it means moon in japanese!). I started reading to him today and he almost fell asleep as I was doing so. I will keep doing everything as I have until now and will keep you posted. Thanks again!
Thank you very much for your reply! I havent mentioned his name yet here as I still hadnt named him when I wrote the first post. His name is Tsuki (I am from the balkans and my dad used to call me this when I was young but later I also found out it means moon in japanese!). I started reading to him today and he almost fell asleep as I was doing so. I will keep doing everything as I have until now and will keep you posted. Thanks again!
Awwwwwwww, Tsuki is a great name! And I'm looking forward to seeing a few photos of him - as long as having his photo take doesn't frighten him of course!
I've had my budgie for 2 weeks today, got him at supposedly 3 months old (hes a mutation) and I have yet to hear him chirp to me. Only chirps to other birds and I'm beginning to think he's not ordinary. I've been hand feeding him for a week (he lets me), feeding it spray millet for a few days, talking to him at least an hour a day since i got him and his cage is in my room (he can always see what im doing, i make 0 sudden movements that could scare him and everything i do is at his pace). I'm really discouraged as its my first bird but all he does is eat and sleep. He's basically decoration in my room at this point. He has fresh water available all the time (change it twice daily), i always clean his food of casings (at least twice daily) and he has had a cuttlebone in his cage from when i got him (still hasnt used it. Its hard to believe this is normal as hes not a rescue and i got him from a reputable breeder. Please tell me this will change?
Wise words from the members above.
I would ask if the bird is hand raised or not because that makes a big difference to how you should approach things and realistic expectations. It's hard to tame a bird that wasn't hand raised, sometimes impossible.

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