2 Devilish birds in Pittsburgh


Oct 20, 2015
two green cheek conures (former breeders) Mango and Kiwi
Hello, we would like to introduce ourselves. (We have been reading this forum for over a month already but finally registered)
We are the new proud parents of a breeder pair of green cheek conures that we adopted from craigslist. We are not planning to breed them btw.
We've had them for about a month now and things are going fairly well.

Mango (cinnamon) and Kiwi (normal colored) came to us in a very dirty, empty cage and we were told they are 4 years old and were never handled/ not tame (they didn't even have names!) The birds have very different personalities, Mango is very outgoing and adventurous while Kiwi is the absolute opposite, she's a bit of a devilish bird sometimes. It's hard to believe that Mango was never handled because he has been a shoulder bird from day 1! Kiwi is taking baby steps, she was very cage bound and fearful/aggressive but now she takes sunflower and safflower seeds from the hand and even comes out of her cage, she loves to dance and she learned to make a very animated laughing sound and applies it in context :D (she laughs after she nails us lol, she also laughed after Mango landed on my head today)

We are still learning new things every day and so far this forum has helped us a lot, we are looking forward to get to know every one!

Chantal, Joey, Mango and Kiwi
Hello and welcome to the forum:). I havent been here that long either so yeah! I hope you and your little birds continue to be buddies:).
Welcome to the forums! Thank you for your act of kindness, I know Mango and Kiwi are grateful to you for giving them the home they deserve. So glad to hear they are still willing to trust after what they have been through.
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Hello and welcome to the forum:). I havent been here that long either so yeah! I hope you and your little birds continue to be buddies:).

Thank you! I hope you will soon get a little caique buddy! I think we are their little humans and they are training us :eek:
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Welcome and so awesome they still gave such personalities! These little tikes are so resilient!

Thank you! The forum has helped us so much through those first (rough) weeks. They have sooooo much personality hahaha
I think they were really happy with the sunflower treats and the new perches on day one! They had such dirty feet and spent the first hours here in the cage grooming themselves (feet and beaks) I think that was a very important happy bird start for us all :D (or they were sharpening their beaks for other reasons hahaha :eek: )
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Welcome to the forums! Thank you for your act of kindness, I know Mango and Kiwi are grateful to you for giving them the home they deserve. So glad to hear they are still willing to trust after what they have been through.

Thank you so much! This is soooo nice to hear because we really have good and bad days and then words like these mean the world.
The first 2-3 weeks they were alarm screaming non stop! Drove us nuts! This forum has helped so much already.

and today; they were so sweet and silent, like perfect little birdies.. until they went out of the cage that is :eek: .. Mango decided that he wanted to explore fabric of my bathrobe sleeve more.. especially the layer under the fabric (my skin) auch! I'm not even sure if he knows that thats me he had in his beak and he doesn't like the word "NO" and Kiwi took her out of the cage experience to another level (flighted) while she does not want to step up yet :eek: I do think they had fun lol and I'm kind of proud that Kiwi is doing so good at flying.

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