New member
Hi, my name is Vivica and I have been a parrot owner for 15 years. I am currently 23. I've been having some sort of issues with my bird as of late. I am wondering why he attacks flashlights and soda cans, and bites the hand that feeds him, basically. He tolerates me and Sean (my fiancee) but he can NOT tolerate cans in any shape or form. He'll fly at you and attack you with a large bite. Now, i'm beginning to think it's his hormones... This behavior just started a few months ago, and he CANNOT tolerate you moving boxes away from his cage (we give him boxes to chew them up) He also sleeps in them. I'm starting to think that the boxes are a bad idea, because he'll run at you to bite you when you even touch them. He has his full flight feathers and follows us by flight into the other room and lands on power cords. Very very dangerous. I've been considering clipping his wings at the vet but I don't know if it will hurt or harm his psychological disposition if he can't get to our hands where the cans are located. He's 15, so probably he's going through a mid life crisis. I've even seen him fly at my mother and father in law for getting too close to the room. I always give a brisk "no" after he does these things, but NOTHING seems to get this bird from stopping what he has in his mind. He's a golden capped conure and in his baby years would climb on anyone. Now he'll fly at anyone and try to land on your shoulder. I don't know if i'm starving him for attention, because in the morning he flies to my computer chair and poops. I don't understand what any of this means, and why he's doing all these things.
I feel helpless because he used to be so good with people, and now he's a recluse. Should I take the boxes away? Is that nesting behavior? That's what i'm thinking it is. But he's progressively growing more dangerous as the months pass. I don't want an electrocuted bird or an aggressive bird.
I'm at the end of my rope and i've read so much about conures. I LIVED with the conure for 15 years...I would NEVER give him up. I just need some help. What can I do in this situation?:11:
I feel helpless because he used to be so good with people, and now he's a recluse. Should I take the boxes away? Is that nesting behavior? That's what i'm thinking it is. But he's progressively growing more dangerous as the months pass. I don't want an electrocuted bird or an aggressive bird.
I'm at the end of my rope and i've read so much about conures. I LIVED with the conure for 15 years...I would NEVER give him up. I just need some help. What can I do in this situation?:11: