12 week old baby had an accident :(


New member
Feb 23, 2013
Margarita (Scaly Lorikeet) Boo (Musk Lorikeet) ChiChi & KoKo (GCC) Sooky & GiGi (Fischer Lovebirds)
My 12 week old baby had an accident, she was frightened by my husband walking in and flew into our back door, then into the walls as she was freaking out. I immediately grabbed her as soon as I could and put her back in the cage with her night time towel half over to try and calm her. It's been roughly 5 hours since it happend and she seems to be back to her normal self. Is there anything I should look out for in the next 24 hours? Could she slip into a concussion when she goes to bed (might sound silly but when my 3 year old son had a big accident the hospital staff said it was possible for this to happen) is it the same with birds? I haven't taken her back out so i'm not sure if she is able to fly, her wings appear normal and she is eating/drinking. I'm so mad at myself for not getting her wings clipped, I feel cruel for even thinking of clipping them but I don't want her to hurt herself.
Hi Mimi - well regarding you 'feeling cruel' about even thinking about clipping your bird's wings - my motto is 'safety first' and if she is in a situation where she can hurt herself out of fear, it is best to be safe rather than sorry.

I personally woudn't worry too much about her being concussed, but keep a close eye on her, but if she is eating and drinking, well, that's a pretty good indication she is ok.
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Both my other birds are clipped but their wings have grown out - the lorikeet sadly never learnt to fly properly before the breeder clipped him, so he is crappy at flying and usually plops to the ground. I didn't want this happening to the new conure so left her untouched.. but now yes i'm reconsidering :(
I'm so sorry to hear this happened. I know the helpless feeling. Things to look for our difficulty in perching, sleepiness or inactivity. If she got a concussion, she will be photosensitive so try to keep the lights low. If you see these symptoms, transfer her to a smaller cage with a padded grate to avoid further harm. Then get her to a vet.

From what your describing, it sounds like she's not badly hurt. If she was hurt, you would see it right away I would think. Just keep an eye out for her. I hope it's nothing serious.

What was her behavior immediately after the crash?
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I had two amazons who actually WERE concussed from exactly this scenario...

And there was an immediate change in behavior for both.

If the bird is acting normal, then it is probably okay.
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I'm so sorry to hear this happened. I know the helpless feeling. Things to look for our difficulty in perching, sleepiness or inactivity. If she got a concussion, she will be photosensitive so try to keep the lights low. If you see these symptoms, transfer her to a smaller cage with a padded grate to avoid further harm. Then get her to a vet.

From what your describing, it sounds like she's not badly hurt. If she was hurt, you would see it right away I would think. Just keep an eye out for her. I hope it's nothing serious.

What was her behavior immediately after the crash?

After I put her back she was standing on the floor of her cage in shock.
I saw her limp a couple of times straight after the accident but she has not limped since (24 hours later)

She's stepping up onto my finger and eating OK today, no limping or odd behaviour. I'm really shocked that she didn't hurt herself more, she really bumped herself badly.

I'm scared to let her out again and can't get her to the avian vet for another 2 weeks to clip her wings.. not sure if I should be letting her fly around again after that happend.
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I had two amazons who actually WERE concussed from exactly this scenario...

And there was an immediate change in behavior for both.

If the bird is acting normal, then it is probably okay.

Just out of curiousity, how were they acting?
My bird got a concussion. Poor posture, limp wings, not eating or drinking, tongue occasionally hanging out, excessive sleeping were all symptoms he had for two days. He tried to fake it for one more day so I would keep giving him cornbread and grits (the only thing he would eat while he was hurt).

I have to add though that I am in the clipping is bad camp. I know it's a knee jerk reaction to clip a bird after it flies into something, but remember it's 12 weeks old. Clipping only prevents the bird from developing the flying skills to avoid collisions in the future. Baby birds will fly into things, both in the wild and in captivity. It's how they learn. My alexandrine is now an expert flyer, and can turn on a dime, hover, catch himself on bad landings, etc.
After experiencing a concussion myself - if there's a concussion, then you will be able to tell. It.. No, no animal can hide a concussion so well they appear 100% normal.

As for clipping wings? Forget it. She can still crash with clipped wings. If she gets out a window, she won't be able to fly back - if a gust hits her, she's gone. And if she's clipped and in the wild, then chances of finding her alive are greatly reduced.
Birds were born to fly - don't take it away. She's clumsy right now. Be careful when she's out, but she'll learn. She will become great and turning, diving, going up.. She'll be an expert.
If you take away her flight now, then trying to teach her later will be very, very difficult.

Please at least allow her to learn to fly properly, once she can, seeing a bird fluttering around the house with a content heart is the greatest site ever. When you were learning to walk, I'm sure you fell and bumped your head. If even when she learns the art of flying you still want to clip her, go ahead, but at least allow her to develop her skills. You wouldn't want 2 birds who are clueless at flying, now would you? ;)
Clipping only prevents the bird from developing the flying skills to avoid collisions in the future. Baby birds will fly into things, both in the wild and in captivity. It's how they learn. My alexandrine is now an expert flyer, and can turn on a dime, hover, catch himself on bad landings, etc.

Im with this line of thinking, and I have a 8 month old Alexandrine that is clipped so closely he has probably never flown...

Im gonna let him feather out, so he can learn how to fly, because I cant have the poor guy falling to the floor when he tries... and he tries and tries and tries...

I think birds should at least know HOW to fly, then you can adjust their flying capabilities, if need be, one feather at a time...

I slowed my conure down just enough with 2 tips on his left wing and 1 tip on his right, he can still go anywhere he wants, he just has to think about the unscheduled flights, because its a bit more effort now...

As far as hitting the window, i bet the OPs bird doesnt do it again(parrots are pretty smart animals).... i hope its ok!
I recently lost Sponge, my 5 month old cockatiel from flying into our patio door which is in our bedroom, he went into shock, felt cold, then died 3-4 hours later....there was nothing anyone could do.
he was spooked by a bird knocking a dish off the top of the cage and it fell onto another cage which spooked all my birds, but sponge flew right into the patio door.

I am so relieved he seems to be fine!!, if you choose, you can clip him slightly, to prevent this from happening again.
I had two amazons who actually WERE concussed from exactly this scenario...

And there was an immediate change in behavior for both.

If the bird is acting normal, then it is probably okay.

Just out of curiousity, how were they acting?

Noticably limp wings, very, very lethargic, not alert, very out of it, not responsive to their names or vocal commands, just not themselves at all.. and the kicker for these particular amazons, not at all interested in food or even apple juice...

I had one flighted bird hit by a car.
I had another eaten by an owl.
I lost my CAG several times, and got him back, thank god!
My Zons hit the window.
I had another zon stuck in the top of a 50 foot tree.
I had a macaw stuck on top of a 3 story building.

And there have been numerous stories of birds dying from flying into things of late.

It's a personal decision, but I am in the KEEP THEM CLIPPED camp now. (I used to be a smug "recall" guy, and free fly them. Too many bad things happened.)

If you're going to have them unclipped in the house, there is evidence that suggests that birds cannot distinguish a glass window... put a sticker or something on it so they know it's solid.
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I keep Valentino flighted. This is because I need for him to get enough exercise so he can remain healthy and keep heart disease at bay. This personal decision for me to keep my RFM flighted is for Valentino's health. I do not free fly him but he is taught to fly in my home on both floors. I taught him to fly down to me from the second story of my home just in case he ever escapes and I have to recall him. Valentino will fly to me on command but he is a strong willed parrot and I do not trust that he is totally recalled trained.

If he is not in a harness when taken outside he is in his carrier. The upper level windows have plastic decoration inserted between the glass. Downstairs I have a Celtic cling on the window and a "rescue my pets" cling on my patio door. Valentino has never even come close to flying into any windows but RFM are very acrobatic flyers and know from early age how to fly correctly.
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You all make valid points, i'm torn and not sure what to do anymore. I would feel so awful clipping her but i'd feel even worse if she repeated this episode again and DID get a concussion and -knock on wood- pass away.

I really doubt she will. You can put those 'save a bird' stickers on the window. Like here Bird Window Decals | eBay, or this [ame="http://www.amazon.com/Window-Alert-Maple-Leaf-Decal/dp/B001BO6EMC/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1387336579&sr=8-1&keywords=bird+strike+window+decals"]Amazon.com: Window Alert Maple Leaf Decal: Patio, Lawn & Garden[/ame] (both would work I'd imagine, but after looking, I think the first might be car window decals, lol) . Or just hang up a sheet. Still, after flying into the window, doubt she'll do it again

I think this is pretty darn cute.. Might be too big to put on a window, ya know, if you ever want to look out of it again, lol.

And this is pretty appropriate for all parrot owners...
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My male parrotlet came to me a plucker with a bare backside, bare wings and a bare back. I dont know if he has every flown. I do have him in with a female parrotlet that is a terrific flyer, The male is now fully feathered and my goal is now to get him to fly. I'm kind of lucky as they are small and they are in a big cage, certainly big enough for them to fly in. I'm not really able to handle them however because they are really focused on each other rather than me, and the female, CeeCee, is outright hostile to me lol. Anyways... that's my goal.
About half an hour ago, I had 6 or 7 birds flying and screaming all over the place, set off by Corey the corella screaming on back verandah- I couldn't see it but there was a hawk about 4 metres from him, pulling a dove apart. I went to the patio door and put myself against it hands spread as that's the most likely glass the birds could fly into. All the windows bar one have blinds (venetian or vertical) but we keep the vertical on one window out for light (dark house) plus the door (for access). The plumhead went into a right funk- almost catatonic. I actually walked partway to the edge of verandah to get a better look at what was going on- then saw the hawk who flew off with his dove leaving a pile of feathers. So Corey is a good "watch bird" but birds do panic a lot.
no, nothings gonna happen at all. im so sure. this used to be like my everyday routine here. bamboo (my budgie) was ALWAYS knocking into glass windows, or doors, or sitting on some weird place, and falling a meter to the floor. ive had him from a month now, and hes become such a good boy!! he never goes away from me, and i havent clipped him either. i thought i would, but after a week or so with him, we became good friends, and he dint fly away from me anyways, so i dropped the whole"clipping" thing. its not mean if youre doing it for your birds own good. so if you HAVE to clip him, do it, theres nothing wrong ur doing
So sorry, hope she recovers soon.

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