
  1. cardinalMom

    Cardinal as domestic pet?

    Hello everyone, I am very new to this forum and because there isn't much information about this topic I would like to get some advice here. I live in Germany. Cardinals are unknown here as they do not exist in the wild, but I have a deep love and appreciation for them because I am originally...
  2. C

    Adopted a Wild Cockatiel at 9 months old last year

    My parents have recently adopted a Female cockatiel from a bird farm not too far from our home. When she first arrived she was just fine and she adapted so well to us. She is an absolute sweetheart that loves to groom all of us and be around us. The only thing is that she doesn't like to be...
  3. J

    Raising two hand-fed budgie babies together?

    Can someone with experience tell me if it is a good idea to raise two hand-fed budgies together in a single cage? Will they remain tame, or will they become wild and afraid of me over time? Should I just buy one bird?
  4. B

    Is it possible that your parrot survives after releasing it in the wild ?

    First swallow up your pride. My parrot loves me and I love her, she's happy and healthy. But when I typed senegal parrots in the wild on youtube I just realized that it's wrong to let a parrot live in a cage big or small. I don't regret adopting her (she was in a tiny cage with two other...
  5. parabellumfoto

    Wild Rainbow Lorikeet Eating Nectar

    Hello Everybody, I'm a photographer and I thought I might share with you this photograph. This photograph was taken two days ago at a public park in inner west Sydney. The Rainbow Lorikeet was about a yard or so away from me. He was eating the nectar off the red Bottlebrush. If you look...
  6. Jamie_95

    Bye bye Petrie :(

    So this is Petrie ~ the baby Lorrie i've been looking after :) I released him back into the wild where i found him about half an hour ago. But don't worry! He was looking much happier and healthier today than he was when i found him. His beak was a brown colour when i first took him in, and now...
  7. Jamie_95

    What to feed my baby Lorikeet

    As some of you already know, i found a baby Lorikeet yesterday and have been caring for him. I was researching pictures last night of other baby lorries, and he looks about 5 - 6 weeks old. But i'm not 100% sure so i'll post a picture soon :cool: I've been feeding him honey from my finger, and...
  8. Jamie_95

    Should i release my baby Lorikeet?

    Hi everyone :) I found a baby Lorikeet this morning and have been taking care of him since. I'm hand feeding him and making him drink slowly through a syringe, because i put a small bowl of food and water in his cage but he didn't seem to touch it. He's been shy but very friendly and alert...
  9. J

    In need of some serious help training.

    I have had my Slate Masked Lovebird, Token, for a year tomorrow. He was bought at a pet store and is not hand raised (I live on a small island in Canada and there are no breeders here). We have made extremely good progress, he was horrified of me for months, would not come out of his cage and...
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