
  1. A

    Baby cockatiel (less than one month old) heavy breathing, please help!

    hello! three days ago we got a baby cockatiel (less than a month old) our concerns are that the baby has difficulty breathing and the symptoms are : tail bobbing, heavy breathing, there is something like a balloon increasing and decreasing which is located on his right side of the neck when he...
  2. rangerktc1

    I think Bianca is sick

    Bianca had her yearly checkup on Saturday and everything went fine. On Sunday she started making what I'll describe as weezing sounds. She's never made any sounds like that. It wasn't that bad and was not that often. Monday it seemed like it was getting worse. The sounds were more often and...
  3. A

    Lily Update

    Alright guys. Thought I’d keep everyone informed on what’s been going on with my little spunky green plucking monster. I just had a vet visit with her (we determined plucking is behavioral, since she has gotten better with it in my care). Well I now have to take her back to the vet this...
  4. S

    Potential respiratory issue - Green Cheek

    My pineapple Green Cheek starting making an odd sound, as if he's trying to clear his sinuses, about a month ago. I noticed it after sharing some peanut butter (natural, no added sugar) one morning, and thought he might just be trying to clear any remnants stuck to his upper mandible. No more...
  5. R

    please help diagnose my cockatiel!

    I have a cockatiel who I have owned about 2 years. I bopught her as a baby from a pet shop in Anchorage. She was a bit scruffy at the time, but I thought she would fill out. She also has a poorly formed foot. Over time, as I gained experience with another healthy bird, I realized she is not...
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