
  1. BrunoBird

    Need Weaning Advice - 4 month GCC

    Hi everyone! I am a new parrot parent and we just brought home our 4-month-old GCC Bruno 3 days ago. The breeder went ahead and sent him home with us because he is "just about weaned" and he drip-fed well for me when I visited him there. Right now I am offering him feedings twice a day and he is...
  2. N

    Trouble weaning peach-fronted conure

    My peach-fronted conure is now almost five months old, and refuses to eat anything other than her formula. She also seems to a bit "off" to me (compared to my other birds), I don't know how else to describe it other than something's not quite right; she's a bit unbalanced, falls often, and is...