
  1. M

    I'm scared

    Hey there, I got an Australian ringneck outiside in the cage but that is not so important. Yesterday evening I went check him and give him some Green food from hand which was not poisonous, he take food but not eat it. At the moment i was scared but i was hoping that thing get better next day...
  2. B

    Alexandrine Baby Difficulties in Feeding and Feather Issues

    Our Alexandrine baby [we named him Piku] :green1: [I guess 3-4 months old. but I'm not sure] is not cooperating while eating [requiring force feeding], having watery droppings and losing feathers [mainly tail and wing feathers]. 1) We got him 1 month. Initially he was under diet of homemade...
  3. S

    Conure help: Watery poop

    :orange::confused: My conure has recently been having very inconsistent stool over the past week. Sometimes it is watery, on a few occasions hes had bubbly poo. It varies in color from medium green to a little darker shade of green. Never black or red. Hes been acting normal as can be and is...
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