
  1. Robin_Jet

    Cockatiel Vomited

    I was studying in the kitchen when my cockatiel must have thrown up on the other side of the kitchen island. My mom and I were talking and didn't see it happen. It took a second for me to realize the sticky mess, partly clear with a little bit of pinkish orangish stuff in it with what I realized...
  2. J

    Healthy Cockatiel Occasionally Vomiting?

    Hi everyone! Pecan, our ten-month-old female cockatiel has been throwing up once or twice a month, and we're concerned because the vet recently told us that cockatiels throwing up (not simply regurgitating) is abnormal. Typically she throws up early in the morning and is sometimes lethargic...
  3. C

    Help with male eclectus - 18 weeks old

    Hey Guys, New member here, first post. I need help with my male eckie please. He is 18 weeks old and isn't fully weaned, as the breeder believes that its okay to continue feeding them formula on top of fresh fruit and vegetables, for as long as they want it. The issue is, the past 2 days he...
  4. D

    HELP! Budgie vomiting and eating it

    I've had my budgie, Afina, for about six months now. She came from a pet store (I know, I know, it's not something I'm proud of). I'm not sure about her age. After adopting her, the pet store recommended a specific brand of food (ZuPreem Fruit Blend) as it's what they fed the birds in store...
  5. A

    GCC Vomit or Regurgitation?

    Hello everyone! I’m very new here so I apologize for any mistakes. I have recently become an owner to a beautiful 4 month old cinnamon GCC named Monkey (getting a dna sexing soon). All has been absolutely great other than this one issue. I have owned a fair share of cockatiels and budgies in...
  6. sammybirds

    cockatiel regurgitating/vomiting clear liquid

    hi! im brand new to this forum and made an account just to post this. i went shopping with my family today and when we arrived home, i opened up my cockatiels cage. she came out like normal but my grandmother and i noticed some sticky stuff on her crest, cheeks and on her beak. she let me wipe...
  7. pickygrackle

    Hey birdies

    Howdy folks of the forum. I just registered and i have a question about my budgie. She is a rescue, i've had her for 8 years, her estimated age is 12. I keep taking her to the vet. She's thrown up twice this month. And no, not regurgitation. I'm talking white sticky liquid. I'm afraid its...
  8. M

    Is my parakeet going to be okay? Please answer

    My parakeet began throwing up clear liquid this afternoon, is lethargic, and not behaving normally. I took her to the vet, they did a physical on her and said everything seemed normal. They said they could do x-rays and other diagnosis things, but they said the stress could potentially kill her...
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