
  1. P

    change in urine color! please lend any advice, vet closed till monday!

    Hello, I’ve recently been given a family member’s near-20 year old cuban amazon parrot due to their previous owner getting too old to take care of them anymore. Around yesterday morning, i noticed her droppings looked a bit different compared to previous days. The feces themselves were a mix of...
  2. L

    Lovebird is sick

    My lovebird is almost a years old. She is currenltly feeling sick, she is not eating and only do drinking. She fluff up her fur and becomes so clingy to humans (which usually doesnt do). Her droppings is only white I assume that because she doesnt eats. It has been a day... please help I dont...
  3. P

    Bird with broken wing

    I know this forum is for parrots but I don't know where to ask this question. There is this wild crow that got hit by a car. One of its wing (the right one I think) is broken or fractured. all its feathers are gone except for 3 (which are shredded). it keeps its wing a little away from its body...
  4. 9

    Found tiny white worms in birds’ water bottle

    Hello! Hope this is a good place to post this, but recently I just bought a glass water bottle for my conures. They love bathing and dipping food in their water bowls so even before the day has ended, it’s really dirty. I got a waterbottle for them for these issues, and it’s been great! It’s...
  5. M

    URGENT Avian vet West London Needed

    Hi all, My green cheek conure was badly bitten by my jack russell earlier and is in a very bad shape. He is not able to stand, barely keeping his eyes open, not drinking water, not eating food. Every now and then he will flap his wings violently then will calm down again. He has two wounds on...
  6. parrotman29

    URGENT Parrot's tongue got bitten and tongue has a wound

    Hello, It is currently 7 pm here and most vets here are closed, My indian ringneck's tongue got bitten by my female lovebird and a small amount of blood came out of the bite wound, It looks as if it has stopped bleeding and has formed a scab, My indian ringneck is eating normally, he is flying...
  7. P

    Baby Parrots bite each other

    This is really serious and I need your help. Here is a little background: I have 2 2-month-old ringneck parrots. Meenu and meethu. We got them a huge cage with 2 perches and toys and moved them downstairs( they spent most of their time upstairs in my room but since it is getting hot we brought...
  8. G

    VERY aggressive sun conure !URGENT!

    I have a 4 year old male sun conure that used to share a cage with a female cockatiel (suspected 5-6 years old). The conure was very sweet (except to my dad, brother and any male visitors) until about 2 months ago when my cockatiel escaped. We got her back after 3 hours when we tried coaxing her...
  9. Tiel

    URGENT help needed

    Dear Parrot community, I'm currently caught up in a terrible and desperate situation: My regular avian vet (lives in Switzerland) has been infected with Covid19, therefore his entire praxis is currently completely unavailable. The next vet that is not even an avian vet, but rather someone that's...
  10. S

    5 week old GCC refusing formula

    I recently got a green cheek conure. I brought him home at 4 weeks and hes a little over 5 weeks old. I have been feeding him veta farm neocare formula and he's been eating it properly (5 feeds per day of 2 tablespoons-full making sure the crop isnt too full and streching out as per instructions...
  11. K

    Quaker’s and Parrots

    I’m in a bit of a pickle here. I’ll be attending college as a freshman next year in Pennsylvania, and I want to bring my Quaker with me; she is my everything. While Quaker’s aren’t illegal in Virginia (where I live currently) they are invasive species in PA and will be euthanized if discovered...
  12. T

    Looking for advice african grey

    Hello .I'm urgently seeking advice. I moved into a bigger house and now My 17 year old african grey has started plucking his feathers around his neck and chest(never pluckted in the past ).I'm not sure if his stressed out our is it due to sumthing els can the moving have a effect on him ?iets...
  13. L

    Help vet over trimmed feathers!!!

    Please I need urgent help im literally panicking Ive had my 2 cockatiels for about a month, they are 8 months old. Today, they flew into a window so I took them to a vet to check for cuncussions. The vet recommended i trim the Feathers, i agreed and left the room which was super bad i feel so...
  14. O

    nesting problem-URGENT!! (rejecting eggs)

    First off, we are 100% new to parakeet breeding/eggs. Especially seeing as we had not considered it a possibility, we believed that we had two female parakeets. We understand, of course, that these eggs may very well be infertile. But we simply think it best to care for them as if they were...
  15. M

    Feather picking

    Hello everyone I have a eight month old black headed caique and Ive been with him for three months. I recently noticed that he has a small patch of picked feathers, im really afraid and this is my first parrot so any help would really make me happy. Also all of a sudden he wont let me touche him...
  16. K

    Time management

    Hey everybody!! I'm new here, and I have a question. So I've owned my conure, Maxxie, for about 3 months I want to say, and being a senior in highschool, I'm wondering if there are any ways y'all out figured out a way to have your bird out will you while you are working, or doing homework lol...
  17. J

    Help with Aviary! What birds can coexist?

    Hello all, I am new to this fourm and I am very glad to now be a pert of it!:) I joined this form because I have some questions regarding a new aviary I am going to make. I currently have many different types of birds in different cages. My plan is to make an aviary and have all the birds...
  18. K

    Urgent help needed for African grey having seizures

    I have kept birds for years, I have outdoor aviaries and indoor birds, I have bred birds (not to sell), so i'm not an amateur. We have one exotic vet in the area where we live, he is the only one in our area in at least a 40-50mile radius and happens to be the best, however its a Friday night...
  19. J

    To smell or not to smell

    Ok i need an answer fast! my parrots are out of the house for a week b/c im going to florida tomorrow and i need to know if its safe to spray frebreez in there today? will its toxicity go away after a week :green2::yellow2::green1::yellow1::green::blue2::white1::blue1: <------- P.S. These are...
  20. K

    Urgent help

    Hi All i wounder if you would please be able to give me advice on the following problem. We have had our umbrella Cockatoo since march. His name is Coco and he has been through two cages and is on his third one. He somehow manages to rip the round bars off.So after the 2nd cage we decided to...
  21. P

    HELP my Quaker is plucking and biting herself!!!!

    I have a one year old quaker parrot. I just took her to the vet a few days ago and they did blood work on her they found nothing, she has a big distructable toy, gets bathes, all that. The vet had me use a soothing spray on her that just seem to make it worst so im stoping use. Is there anyone...
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