umbrella cockatoo

  1. S

    Urgent help!

    Guys, it’s a long story, cockatoo is not mine, I just have access to her. Well she is around 3 years old, since December started ruining and biting her wings… then tail, she doesn’t fly ever since… She also bit off small feathers under the wings. On the top of that she stopped eating, she was...
  2. RachelMarie72

    To Cackatoo aggression

    ×RachelMarie72 Cockatoo You may enter multiple names here. I had my triton cockatoo first. Her old owner said she came from a very abusive house where a women’s husband would beat his wife and torture the triton cockatoo. We’ve had her a couple years and I can bring her anywhere with me she...
  3. J

    Hi 👋 Umbrella's Gender

    Hi everyone! We have a lovely umbrella cockatoo who we've had since she was a baby. She's currently nearly 11 years old. Just wondered if anyone can help me with weather she is actually a she or not 😂 I know there's no way to be certain without a DNA test but I'd like to see what you think...
  4. B

    Parrot Tea Suggestions

    Hello! I have an adult Umbrella Cockatoo, Nemo, who absolutely loves tea. He's been rehomed a few times before we got him, and it seems to be a habit he's picked up in one of his previous homes. I've been giving him a tiny, cooled cup of chamomile tea every so often because I read that it was...
  5. B

    Hello! :)

    Hi! I'm new to this forum and just thought I should introduce myself! Among the other animals in the household, my little zoo contains one male CAG, Loki, and one male U2, Nemo. Loki is 4 years this Saturday and Nemo is 7 years old. I've had Loki his whole life. He enjoys bossing everyone...
  6. B

    New Cockatoo Step Up Troubles

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and I was looking for some advice about a bird I recently adopted. Nemo is a 7 year old Umbrella Cockatoo, and I've had him for two and a half months. He was rehomed twice before I got him. So far, he's very polite and sweet, although extremely reserved for a...
  7. C

    Rehoming my umbrella cockatoos

    I thought I would drop you a line about my two umbrella cockatoos coco and razzle ... Coco was a rescued cockatoo who had a home from 1992 until 2005. when he bit his owners daughter and was given to me , coco was very sad and had began to pick his feathers... I set out to fix coco. new and...
  8. M

    Hey there!

    I am the proud owner of two beautiful birds, a male Cockatiel named Onni (after the Japanese mythology creature) and a male baby Umbrella Cockatoo Mamés Dango (yes I like the Japanese theme thing). Onni is about 2 years old, he keeps to himself, doesn’t act at all like other cockatiels I know...
  9. A

    Please help umbrella cockatoo 'issues'

    Hi my name is Liam and I am a new member to this forum,my dilemma is I rescued a 3 and a half year old female umbrella cockatoo today and she is untame as she was isolated, I quickly noticed that she smis very defensive of her space (most likely due to stress of moving around to a strange...
  10. Jferrand526

    I’m trying to rehome an Umbrella Cockatoo

    I’m not sure if this thread goes here but I think it does, sorry if I’m wrong. Recently at a bird store I frequent, a parront had left their Umbrella Cockatoo to be boarded at the store. It has been two months going on three that the Umbrella has been left there, the owners came back home last...
  11. K

    Lonely middle aged cockatoo?

    Hello everyone! My parents' umbrella cockatoo, Calla, is a sweet, shy, and gentle 30-40 year old. She was adopted in the 80s, and has had two bonded mates/friends since then. Both mates/friends are unfortunately no longer with us. First was my grandparents' male moluccan cockatoo, Sammy, who...
  12. gnatnlucy

    merry christmas from lucy and me!

    Merry Christmas everyone! This morning after breakfast Lucy and I made some toys and here are the fruits of my labor! She is very happily foraging and enjoying some shredables! :white1: Hope all of you have a wonderful day!
  13. gnatnlucy

    Beautiful day for some outside fun!

    I took her outside today and we took a few pics just thought I'd share :white1:
  14. gnatnlucy

    So she thinks I am her boyfriend...

    I am new here but my reason for joining was due to this issue. Lucy my 6 year old Umbrella thinks I am hers and only HERS. She adores me ADORES me... to the point that no matter what I do she lifts her tail, quivers, does the uncomfortable heavy breathing and has even regurged for me (the...
  15. gnatnlucy

    The tale of "not a bird person"

    Hi! My name is Natalie and I was not a "bird person". I am an animal lover and care for many different species in my home. We currently have 4 bearded dragons, 2 argentine tegus (a red and a black and white ) a ball python, 4 virginia opossums (and the permit to go with them) 4 cats, a dog and...
  16. C

    Feather degreaser

    Hello there! I've had several birds, but never cockatoos, and I just went with my mother-in-law to buy her first bird. Tiki is a stunning, wonderful, 13 year old Umbrella cockatoo. I wouldn't normally advocate for a large parrot as a first-time bird, but she's in her 50s and they took so well...
  17. D

    Umbrella cockatoo loves my mother

    My mom tried to start a bird business over 10 years ago which didn't work out, so I ended up buying a umbrella cockatoo named lil bird. At first she was so friendly my boyfriend and I too her everywhere and she loved every one. Then boyfriend and I split. A few years later I joined the Air Force...
  18. S

    13 y/o UC Terrified of my Boyfriend

    We just got Indie about two weeks ago from a couple whose daughter had raised him. She did a really great job he's super tame, and will set-up on almost anyone, cuddles bonds with females instantly, he's a great bird; kind of needy ;). Needless to say he's favorable of women. I've never owned a...
  19. Tupelo

    Cecilia, Me, and PBFD

    I'm the 22-year-old owner of a beautiful Umbrella Cockatoo. Her name is Cecilia. I absolutely adore my bird, but sadly she is living with my mother until I can afford a bigger apartment. I miss her terribly, and try to see her as often as possible, which is never more than a week or two...
  20. S

    Umbrella Cockatoo

    I have a 1 year old Umbrella cockatoo, and have recently been attempting to use a flight suit on him. It has been 3 months now of introducing him to thr harness, janging it in his cage, letting him play wiyh it, and just simply laying in on top of him. Yet he still hates it I yried to put iy on...
  21. D

    New to the Forum and a few question about my birds

    hello everyone i am new to this site. I own two umbrella cockatoo's, Eggbert and Boo. I have had them for about a year now and recently had to separate them as they where living together in the same cage and Boo decided to pluck Eggbert"s feathers. My first question: is there any way that i...
  22. C

    My cockatoo thinks she's an owl.

    Hello, My names Robyn And I have been told this is a great place to get advice, so heres goes. I have a 11 year old umbrella Cockatoo, Ricky. I Dont know what sex was told male but pretty sure female. I have had Ricky for 5 years going on six in august. She has a set routine this is generally...
  23. R

    Perspective U2 owner~ Tips/info appreciated

    I've never had a cockatoo or any large parrot, but before anyone says anything, I'm not planning on getting one anytime soon... maybe in a year, but no sooner then I think I'm ready. I've been researching many different bird breeds and out of them all I think the Umbrella Cockatoo is the best...
  24. Bear

    I introduced my young CAG to my new baby 'Too today :)

    I've had my baby U2 almost a week now, and she and my 6 month old CAG have been surveying eachother across the room and from our shoulders during that time, today we decided it was time for the two to meet properly! Bear (the grey) is super sweet and Bean (the U2) is a baby and just wants to...
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