
  1. Joeypac

    Lost Trust?

    I was recently relaxing with my conure and she bit my glasses and scratched my face. I don't think she meant anything from it but it spooked me and I got her off quickly. Ever since then she will no longer go onto my hand. She is eating the same and no bad behavior. She will take treats from my...
  2. 20220108_132955.jpg


    He put his lil head under my chin after 3 months, closed his eyes and let me rub his head- THIS was the beginning of what's to become a beautiful relationship!
  3. O

    A very timid and untrusting Mealy Amazon

    Hi! My Mealy Amazon is 1 year old and we got him/her from a breeder about 10 days ago. He is warming up very slowly to his new cage and environment. It took him 3-4 days to try and nibble the toys and he is always reluctant to step on new perches unless it is placed in his cage for 4-5 days. We...
  4. N

    Cockatiel screams for attention, but decided to hate me..?

    Hey fellow parronts. I'm at the end of my wit. I got Navi about half a year ago, and she is about two months older than that. Bonding has had its ups and downs, as expected, but overall she's grown on me and I would never want a different birdie than my quirky, screamy lady. Thing is...
  5. N

    My untamed cockatiel got spooked while training this morning.

    Greetings everyone, I'm new to both parrot ownership, and this forum! :white1: 6 days ago I got a young, white cockatiel lady. Everything was going great, and even though she was not handtame, we were making progress each day. She even whistled at me, and ate salad through the grates. Today I...
  6. SamBeben

    Struggling with Congo Grey

    Hi all! We have a 12 year old African grey, she is female and only likes men. She loves my husband but she bites him hard at times while he is petting her or even if he is not petting her. It's mainly when he is putting her back on her cage. Is this a trust thing? Secondly, she was raised...
  7. M

    My birds don't trust me! :(

    Hello! I am new to this forum, and I am having trouble with my bird. I have a 5-year-old cockatiel who still doesn't seem to trust me. He really loves attention, but he doesn't like for me to put my hand by him to get him to step up. I try to get him out when I can, but honestly, I'm working and...
  8. R

    Trust issues: Loves petting but terrified of my presence

    I brought my baby home last Saturday, she’s a 1.5 years old Yellow-Faced Parrot. I have moderate knowledge on birds but this one is putting some questions in my head. First of all, I know she’s been only for a couple days with me! What she accepts: Eating Apple and treats from my hand Body and...
  9. Huda_bird

    Petting help

    My little guy will often fly to me and land on me. He'll step up whenever I want him to and will even fly into whatever room I'm in. He doesn't like to be petted. He'll step away, fly away or even step on to the other hand that's trying to pet him. How can I get him to be comfortable and let me...
  10. H

    Indian Ringneck Trouble!

    Hi! I've had my Montu for about 8/9 months now, making Montu about a year and a half now. I love her to pieces, but I'm very sure she doesn't like me very much. She flies from me, bites, and screams whenever I get too close. Anytime I come close she pulls away. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong...
  11. T

    Me and my first bird, Atlas. Help ;-;

    Hello, my name is Erica and I got my first bird last month, a female pearl cockatiel named Atlas. After years of research I finally found me a cockatiel to call my own. My pet shop changed owners and in the new location I found her with her mate. Originally, the pet shop wasn’t selling her...
  12. attycakes

    Aggression when near cage and cagemate?

    Hi everyone! We have two senegal parrots, Atty and Joey, who are about 10 years old. We got them both back in December 2007 when I was 16. When we first got them, they defiinitely played the notorious "picking of favorites" when it came to members of our family but I was always in good graces...
  13. P

    Lovebird Help!

    Hello everyone! I've recently gotten a new lovebird which I've had for about 5 days. The bird is of course afraid and skittish and is scared of my hands. Although the bird is not afraid to take treats from my hand, they will reconsider if they have to step on my fingers to reach them first :o ...
  14. Z

    Having trouble with my new bird

    Hi everyone, I am new to the site and also new to bird ownership. I have wanted a conure my entire life and this weekend my husband got me a sun conure. His (or her) name is Zazu. I don't think Zazu was handled very nicely in the cage at the store. I know that it will take time to build up...
  15. K

    Help on hand training

    Hey, I've had my two conures, Zorab and Nello, for about a month now but can't seem to build up any trust with them. The lady I purchased them from said that she knew little about them and had only had them for about 5 months. She said that she was able to get them onto her hands and then...
  16. Roanoke

    We made it!

    Hey, most of you may not remember me but I've been sporadically in and out of this forum for almost 2 years. Well, earlier this year I called it quits and attempted to rehome Teeko (It's a long story, a chain-reaction of lost trust on both sides) and that's the last you all had heard of me...
  17. Ritsuneru

    Lovebird is afraid of me?

    About 5 months ago we adopted a Lovebird from a store called "Magnolia Bird Farm" They told us she was hand fed but I'm pretty sure she wasn't since she was hard to grab from her cage by the assistant at the store. Her name is Tiki and she is a Peach-Faced Lovebird. I've tried with her for a...
  18. F

    Trust building exercises

    I just got an absolutely gorgeous green cheeked yellow-sided conure. He is beautiful and so loving. His name is eli. Eli is about 4 months old and the reason why im here is because, while ive only had him for about 4 days and he is very nice and very happy to spend time together on my...
  19. S

    Update on Polly

    The bird protector has been removed from his cage. I moved Polly's food and water dish to the top section of his cage and he is eating and drinking frequently now! He is also eating things other than just seeds on his own! I put them in his cage so he might try them and he did!!! I think he...
  20. M

    Trust Training Rescue Budgies?

    Hello, I have four male parakeets which haven't been mine for more than a month. It started with one parakeet (Articuno), then a friend gave me Sheldon because she thought he'd be happier with a friend, and finally I got two others from a lady who knew I had two parakeets and couldn't take care...
  21. claireby13

    How long is too long?

    As I am still in high school, I have a couple of things that unfortunately must come before my pets. For a bit over 2 days, I will be away on a school camp. I am leaving my parrot (that I intensively train everyday to avoid aggression issues that have previously appeared) with my mum, so he...
  22. G

    How to gain trust after trust isn't deserved

    Hello! I am new here, and am in need of major advice... I recently added an African Grey to my household. This is my first time experiencing a parrot in my home. His name is Gilly, and he is most certainly a very special bird. His previous owners majorly abused this poor bird. Dogs would...
  23. S

    2 new Cockatiels

    Hello Everyone I got 2 new Cockatiels :yellow1: :grey: that were abandoned at my work place in a shoe box. They are about a year old and TERRIFIED of everything. I have been working with them to gain their trust but they don't seem like they want anything to do with me. So far I can get one to...
  24. happycat

    Would a 10 month old conure be harder to tame then a baby?

    I wouldnt need a baby anyway because conures can sometimes live to be very old but would it be harder to get a 10 month old conure rehomed because of allergies to trust you then a baby?
  25. S

    Please Help!

    Hello Everyone! I am new to this website but am glad that I be a part of this group :) I got quite a dilemma. I am now the owner of a 5 month old Green cheeked conure :green1:. Someone has given him to me. He is really shy and very scared. I have held him a few time and have sat with him on my...