
  1. C

    Caique Treat Recommendations?

    Hello everyone! Trying to advance in trick training with my 1 year old WBC, but can't seem to find the right treat for the motivation! He's come pretty far, even though he gets distracted and forgets about his reward in the middle of eating it :LOL: Have seen some impressive tricks from...
  2. wrench13

    New Salty video 8/21/19 parrot tricks

    Salty has become very comfortable with our new training surface, so I decided that a new training video was in order. We did almost every single trick in the book, except for the card trick ( picking the Kings from a deck of cards),which is hard for him to do on the towel, and doing his...
  3. O

    What to teach, what to teach?

    So I have been working with my new sun conure, Oliver. He knows all of the basic tricks step up, target, spin, wave, wings etc. but I want to teach him something more complex. Some ideas I have are basic recall, fetch, and making certain sounds on cue. So I guess what I am saying is, does anyone...
  4. R

    cute things to teach?

    Hey so what are some cute things you can teach your macaw (like speaking and trick-wise) My baby already does a few things (vocally) He: •says "ow" whenever he hits his beak on something •says "what?" whenever I look at him for a few seconds but dont say anything •makes a kiss noise whenever i...
  5. T

    Trick Training

    We brought our baby Quaker Ozzie home from the breeder on Aug. 17. His hatch day is may 20. He is doing great and I have been able to teach him 4 tricks already. He knows "wings" where he flexes and shows his wings, "shake", he will grab your finger without stepping up (we do the shaking)...
  6. K


    Hi everyone I was looking for some tips on what else I can teach my grey, I've looked thru the sight and a lot of it is teaching responses but she's only six months so not great at talking yet. I have taught her shake hands, turn, put a little ball in a hoop and she has great fun doing these...
  7. A

    Toys for a conure...suggestions?

    Hello! We recently adopted a 13-year old black capped conure. She is really wonderful and almost potty trained, so thank you to her previous family for that! She's very active and inquisitive but so far is unimpressed by bird toys. We've got three in her cage right now and she avoids them. She...
  8. claireby13

    Tricks List

    I have found that my parrot is much calmer when mentally stimulated, especially when he is in the progress of learning tricks. As such, he has many tricks and I am running out of ideas! He has learnt: - step up - target -spin around -wave -"drop object into bowl" (there really is no catchy name...
  9. claireby13

    New member!

    Hi, I'm Claire. I'm a 14 year old girl and have loved animals passionately ever since I could remember. I am fully responsible for a large collection of animals (my 'menagerie' as I call it :)) including a cat, a large tropical fish tank, a Bearded Dragon, various geckos, mice, goldfish and of...
  10. SharnaC

    Teaching my sun conure to dance

    Hi all! First of all, I am new to the forum, so bear with me. I got my new sun conure a couple of weeks ago and have set about teaching him to dance. I've done this by bobbing my own head up and down (looking ridiculous) and repeating 'dance', rewarding him with a treat if he does it too. I've...
  11. SharnaC

    Teaching my sun conure to dance

    Hi all! First of all, I am new to the forum, so bear with me. I got my new sun conure a couple of weeks ago and have set about teaching him to dance. I've done this by bobbing my own head up and down (looking ridiculous) and repeating 'dance', rewarding him with a treat if he does it too. I've...
  12. merlinsmom13

    1 smart bird

    Attn: nut, ellsie & tiki I saw this on another forum, thought of you guys. I bet all of you can do these tricks. YouTube - ‪World Record 20 Parrot Tricks in 2 Minutes - Kili Senegal Parrot‬‏