
  1. T

    Bird cage and windex

    I was away on vacation and allowed my parents to take care of my two birds, they’re small lineolated parakeets, but I found out while I was away they COMPLETELY sprayed down the WHOLE cage and every toy inside. I don’t know which day they cleaned it, I was only gone for 3 days, the birds look...
  2. F

    air health

    So my husband scored an ozone air purifier. BettyMills: Queenaire QT Thunder 24 - Series II - Newaire QTT24-II is this safe to use around my bird?? thanks Fricks mom
  3. christine

    Coworkers just used pesticide 50 ft away from my lovebirds

    Rough morning. I came to vent and ask for advice. I have two lovebirds, I bring them into work M-F and have spoken to my coworkers about chemicals & parrots and have switched out all chemicals in the office to natural/non-toxic alternatives. Everyone seemed to be happy with the switch. Last...
  4. F

    essential oils...

    ok, so my house is a rental. i have a dog, a kid, a husband, myself and my sweet frick. It's not a filthy house, but it's....welll not fresh. I read something recently about taking the empty airwick style airfresheners, cleaning the wick and using a blend of water and essential oil instead...
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