
  1. Anubis

    Fuzzy bed bad?

    I recently got my sun conure, Kiwi (7 yrs), a new bed because she’s chewed up a significant portion of her old bed over the last year or so. I was looking for some tips to get her used to the new bed so she’d use it, but I discovered fluffy beds are bad for birds? Both the new and old bed are...
  2. A

    Need General Help I Cant Find Anywhere Else

    4 days ago, I adopted a baby/very young Green Cheek. The breeder gave me some formula, taught me how to feed and practically sent me on my way. As of now my messages are no longer being responded to and I can't find info anywhere. I'm not aware of its age, but it is almost completely fully...
  3. kenny

    My parrot is weird or is it..?

    Hello guys I’ve asked before about my parrot on how aggressive he is and its not changing i might judging too fast cause its been like 4 months since i bought him and i wanna mention that i bought him from an owner not as a baby parrot he was 8-9 months at that time but anyways.. any tips? cause...
  4. E

    Arts and Crafts

    I know conures are very respiratory sensitive. But how sensitive? There’s this craft trend that involves papier-mâché. Can I use elmers glue around conures? Or even mod podge? Obviously wouldn’t be up close and personal but still same room?
  5. Hatzegopteryx4578

    Tips on how to find my budgie a better home?

    I’ve made my choice and I’m planning to re-home my budgie so he’d be in a better situation. The only problem is that I don’t know how to find somebody to personally meet up with who can have them as his forever home. I don’t want him to be hoarded, used for breeding purposes or constantly...
  6. A

    Questions on Toxic fumes for the parrot

    Hi, I don’t have a parrot yet but am trying to make sure I know everything on how to raise one. The one problem that has scared me the most is poisoning. I heard you cannot use nonstick materials or bleach or ammonia. Does this mean that they can’t be used in a certain proximity to the parrot or...
  7. A

    Looking for General tips on raising a parrot (more specifically an Amazon parrot)

    Hi, I am a student, and my mom told me before I could get a parrot, I need to know how to raise one perfectly before she can consider it. I am looking to find out the general needs of a parrot. I recently got interested in owning a parrot and know they require a lot of work, but I find them so...
  8. C

    Regurgitating caique

    Hello everyone, I recently adopted a pair of bonded caiques (a little over a week ago). They have not been encouraged to do any mating behaviors in the past and I don’t want babies, so I have been working to ensure that I don’t do anything that could impact that (only head scratches, 12 hours of...
  9. I

    am i missing anything?

    in a few years i hope to adopt an eclectus parrot as my first bird, ive been feeding my other pets fresh food everyday for 5+ years so that is fine with me, i feed them better than myself, i plan on buying an absolute MONSTER of a cage that is (from memory) 6-8f long with lots of natural wood...
  10. S

    First time bird owner looking for safety help and tips

    Hi! I've grown up many with birds when I lived with my family and love them to bits, however, my experience is mostly with aviary birds, although they would let us handle them and were friendly. I've now recently purchased a cockatiel (although I haven't picked it up yet as it's a bit far, I...
  11. S

    New military Macaw being noises any tips

    So we just got our beautiful military macaw charlie, yesterday. Charlie’s our first parrot, we’ve had smaller birds such as budgies and finches for some background Charlie was fine last night but today hasn’t stopped screaming and won’t eat. We’ve had him out of his cage and he was okay once...
  12. MissAnnamarie

    Nervous to bring home new baby! Tips?

    Was planning on getting a male Eclectus last year around December, it ended up being a scam and we lost 900$.. I should have been more attentive. Finally decided to get one once again, from a REPUTABLE breeder, they've been wonderful! He's really young right now and will be ready around...
  13. MarcnLennie

    Hi from Lennie and myself Marc

    Hi and thanks for letting us join. I recently took over the care of an :grey: Congo African Grey parrot he is six years old. So far having no expertise I’ve recently gotten two bites on my finger which I’m putting down to my inexperience and the fact Lennie is in a new environment and has a...
  14. S

    Tips for getting a Meyers

    I can't figure out how to delete this please just ignore me
  15. L

    Ringneck training tips

    Hello! It's been a short while since I've been on here. So I am hopefully getting my first hand reared baby ringneck next year. I have been constantly researching about everything to do with ringnecks! I met one in person the other day in a pet shop near where I live. I got really close to the...
  16. M

    Suggestions please!

    Hi everyone :green: this is my first time posting on here but I needn’t some suggestions... after doing what seemed like endless research I decided it was time I got myself a little 3 month old green cheek conure that I named Waddles! I’ve had him for about month now(first vet visit went great...
  17. S

    Adoption Dealbreaker

    Hi all! I've had my heart set on owning a bird, a green cheek conure, for the longest time. I have such a love for the pure (albeit destructive) adorable things! Now im finally old enough, responsible enough, and have enough money to do so! Only issue is I live with my mother while going to...
  18. F

    Introducing our flock of 3 parrots <3

    Hello!!! We've been long-time lurkers of this forum. Without it, we wouldn't be the parrot parents (what a tongue twister) that we are today! African grey Bella, Meyers parrot Lemon, and Happy the green cheek conure are our pride and joy. It would mean a lot to us if you could visit and...
  19. D

    Sick cockatiel

    Hiya, new member here! My cockatiel, Pan seems to be a little sick (I think a respiratory infection of a sort (maybe)). He's just as active and eats as normal but I did catch him breathing heavily for a little while. I've booked an appointment with an avian vet but the earliest I could book is...
  20. M

    Rescued macaw training tips

    Hey all, in about a month or so I'm adopting a rescued Green Winged Macaw that I've been visiting for over a year and a half now and looking for any tips on training or just overall wellness. Before the rescue, he was hoarded for years and and has taken a toll on his health. He plucked nearly...
  21. D

    Travelling with GCC by train

    I'm travelling home for a few days with my GCC on the train. Just wondering if there are any dangerous fumes on a train I should be wary of? I don't think there are but I wanted to make sure :) he has a travel cage, food and water and toys as well as a cage that we'll assemble once we arrive up...
  22. M

    New Male Eclectus, 4 months old

    Hello, I just got a male Eclectus 3 days ago. He's 4 months old approx. I live in UAE (from America), and sometimes the pet supply stores are limited. The salesman in the pet "souq" didn't even know what sub-species my Bento is!! I wasn't going to get him, but drove all the way home and...
  23. H

    Help! Tips when considering a conure?

    So I've been thinking about getting a green cheek for about 2 months now and I've done lots of research. I have 3 calm, small dogs, and I've had many pets before. What are the ups and downs of owning a green cheek? Do you think they're a good choice for first time bird owners? Thanks!:D
  24. Nicole07

    New CAG Owner - Tips and Help Please

    Hello all! I'm not new to birds in general as I've had a pineapple GCC and currently have a sun conure. I rehomed a CAG in May. I was contacted by the owners because they'd heard through the grapevine that I had other birds and did well with them. I didn't want another project to be honest, and...
  25. R

    Very scared cockatiel

    I have 2 male cockatiels that I rescued from a shelter at separate times. The one I'm having problems with is the more recent one and his name is Picasso. No clue how old he is but he IS an adult. He is completely terrified of being held or touched but he will get on my shoulder and preen me for...
  26. EdenRR

    Hello, My Name Is...

    Hey, everybody! My name is Eden and I currently own a Green Cheek Conure. His name is Burgundy and he is 10 years old. I got him when I was nine. We call him Cheepy. He's a pretty feisty little guy but I love him. Unfortunately, I went through a phase (as every teenager does) of laziness...
  27. K

    Implementing a fresh diet? Some questions :S

    Hi, my name is Kara and i'm new to this forum. I have a green cheeked conure named Jingus. He is about 5 years old and we have had the best time together. I really love my bird and I want him to live a long and happy life so I'd like to get him to eat a little more healthier. He isn't too bad-...
  28. P

    Introducing Jack the Destroyer. Any tips?

    I'm told he's set on "Casper", but I'm gonna do everything in my power to rename him "Jack" with the given title of either "the Destroyer" or "the Dragon" - or I might go with "Hulk" or "Drogba" He's awesome. A bit loud but he can talk, he mimics well, and he's very funny - keeps making this...
  29. A

    New Amazon Owner!

    So I'm new to this forum and big parrot ownership. I have a ten month old Blue Fronted Amazon Parrot -The cage is 32W X 23D X 40 something tall -The hatch date is May 11 2013 -I dont know is he/she is male or female Please share with me your stories, tips, tricks, whatever you have. I have...
  30. greenthii

    Needing help training my older budgie.

    Hello, I'm new here so don't mind my inexperience on this forum (> - <) I got my male budgie (fully grown) from a pet store last year, around fall and I want some tips of how to train him! I don't know his exact age, but his nose was fully blue, and he was a chubby boy. x: (Guessing 1 1/2 or...
  31. A

    New owner requesting advice

    Hi there! So i've recently set my eyes on owning a green cheek conure but i have never owned a parrot before. I have been reading alot about parrots, mostly about their diets and toxic fumes and have watched plenty of videos. i was just wondering if i can get a few tips on getting prepared on...
  32. ann

    Rules to teach your parrot

    OK, I had the idea to make a thread where everyone can post a certain rule they teach their parrot(s). You can repeat other rules for emphasis, or post something different. They idea is to have a list of things we think help our relationships with our birds, so we can learn from each other. One...
  33. D

    new baby green cheek any training tips

    hi my name is danielle and im the proud mommy of a nearly 2 yr old female cockatiel :yellow1: . she is an absolute diva lol. i decided to get a 2nd bird.... on fri i will be bringing home a newly weaned male baby yellow sided green cheek conure!!! any advice / tips would be greatly appreciated...
  34. I

    New Green Cheek Conure

    Hello, this is my first post on ParrotForums! For the past few months I have really wanted a bird. After some research and the help of my brother, I decided that the Green Cheek Conure is for me. My parents have agreed that they will help me with the financial component of caring for a bird...
  35. S

    New Bird Owner

    Hi everyone! I'm a fairly new bird owner. I've had Paco, half moon conure, for about 8 months. I'm still learning a lot about how to care for him and train him. Before I got him, he hadn't really been handled or played with at all. We've come a long way and he will now step up and down...
  36. D

    New to parrots!

    Hi all, I am new to owning a parrot. My partner has in the past but we just got an African Grey. He is two years old and a chatty little thing. We were told he would be shy but so far he's pretty outgoing with us. We are yet to introduce him to anyone else. I have 5 dogs too and 2 cats and have...
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