throwing up

  1. R

    Sick Conure, throwing up anything she consumes.

    Hi all, I am taking steps outside of this forum to ensure my girl’s health and safety but I was hoping for some additional experience and advice. I have a 4 year old GCC, assumed girl without blood test. Last night she got 2 licks of an Outshine fruit icepop (containing sorbitol). She began...
  2. S

    Superb parrot throwing up

    Hello, about 30 minutes ago my Superb parrot threw up. He’s about 2.5 months old. He’s still eating some baby formula for the night. But eating on his own. But to the point… I have him with other babies in a “feeding” cage. I keep there babies that I hand feed. So as I was reaching for...
  3. Robin_Jet

    Cockatiel Vomited

    I was studying in the kitchen when my cockatiel must have thrown up on the other side of the kitchen island. My mom and I were talking and didn't see it happen. It took a second for me to realize the sticky mess, partly clear with a little bit of pinkish orangish stuff in it with what I realized...
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