
  1. P

    Hot plate?

    Can anyone vouch for a bird-safe hot plate that is just the plain, old-fashioned electric kind?
  2. R

    Cookware questions

    Hello everyone. :) I recently acquired a green cheek conure after not having any birds in my home for the last seven years, since losing my last Conure. It was not something I planned, but there was an instant connection and before I knew it, I was bringing my new friend home. I feel like I’m...
  3. A

    New Home and Appliances - Safe?

    1) I’m moving from my parents’ into a new manufactured home next week. I’m concerned about using a brand new heating system and new appliances, that they may emit toxins that could hurt my budgies. I was planning on keeping the birds at my parents’ for a couple weeks while I use the appliances...
  4. I

    PTFE/Teflon and Why it's bad

    I wanted to share this tidbit of information I acquired today at - funny enough - work of all places. The kind of work I do essentially requires me to know a lot about bad chemicals, where the bad chemicals tend to be, and how do we get the bad chemicals out. We mention different substances in...
  5. A

    New Air Conditioner Safe?

    It’s gotten really hot the last week (especially in my room where my birds are) and I just bought a new air conditioner. As I took it out of the box, I noticed that strong new appliance smell, and it got me thinking about whether this new appliance is safe for my two budgies. Then I went online...
  6. C

    Conure Questions

    Hey! So I’m planning on getting my first green cheek conure (first ever bird) in around July time but want to have all of my research done well in advance. I have a few questions if anyone can help with them! 1. My bird will be kept solely in my room (in a cage when im not there or when im...
  7. T

    Sudden Loss - Trying to figure out cause

    Hello there, we are fairly new to this and a little devastated right now. We thought we had done a lot of research and felt prepared to bring home our new cockatiel on May 1st. It was born end of December, hand-fed, and an amazing bird. We have been completely enjoying this bird every single...
  8. Alouette

    Getting a cockatiel

    Hello everyone, For a while now I've been considering getting a pair of cockatiels. I've always wanted a bird and from the research I've done, a cockatiel would be a good match for me. But, I've never had a bird before, so I'm worried there's something I'm not taking into account. So, I'm hoping...
  9. S

    Inexpensive and bird safe non-PTFE non-Teflon Toaster Oven

    Unfortunately, my beloved cockatoo, Spooky, died last week, as discussed on the Cockatoo forum. While I periodically used Teflon at low temperatures, and while his well-known Avian Specialist did not believe it contributed to his passing (suspected heart disease), I have made it a mission to...
  10. charmedbyekkie

    How to Handle Apartment Living?

    One of my biggest concerns about bringing a companion into my life would be the troubles of apartment living. - How do you handle your neighbours cooking with teflon and other toxic materials? Because I stay in a tropical country, this is particularly a large concern since apartments tend to...
  11. P

    Non stick Pan

    Hi all! My boyfriend didn't listen to me and I am currently freaking out. He cooked with a non stick Pan. He put my 4 month old green cheek conure in the bedroom (smallish apartment) during cooking and for 40 minutes after. I am panicking. Is it likely that my bird Will get sick and die?!!! :(
  12. S

    Quick check for safety

    Still don't have a bird yet, so no birds are in peril! I've been doing some umbrella shopping (it's very rainy here in the Pacific Northwest and I personally prefer umbrellas to hoods) and I've seen a lot of "teflon umbrellas". It seems the teflon coats the fabric and helps repel water. I'm just...
  13. V

    Wondering if my Brown Oven/Stove is safe

    Hi, I'm bringing home a baby boy eclectus in a few weeks and am in the process of replacing my cookware, bakeware, hair dryer, etc. I'm also wondering about my oven. I live in an apartment (so it came with it). It says "Brown" on it, and I think the manufacturer must be Brown Stoveworks. I...
  14. S

    Teflon and new conure

    Hello i just got a new 5 month old half moon conure And me being so dumb i didnt research ... i own the bird now but my family uses teflon for pans and pots .. im terrified anything well happen to my bird i have my own room and have a window ... would it maybe help of i put a towel or...
  15. S

    need help with teflon products

    HI soon to be macaw owner well aware of the effects cooking with teflon pans can have to birds and don't wish to think of the consequences, all teflon pans will be removed and replaced before arrival. my question however is that there are people in my house that use straighteners/curling...
  16. K

    Safe Heater

    My quaker and I are moving to the basement of the house, but unfortunatly the room we will sleep in is very cold! I bought a couple heaters, and called the manufacturers. Most were rude and wouldn't even bother answering the qustions, but I finally found one that would. According to customer...
  17. ZephyrTK


    Based on the FAQ from the company, how would you proceed? My bird's sleep cage will be upstairs and I am planning on moving him there whenever I cook to be safe. Would you think this is safe to use in the house while he is upstairs, door closed and window open? I raise exotic birds and have...
  18. WannaBeAParrot

    What About Eating Food Cooked in Teflon / Non-Stick Pan?

    I meant to post this here and don't know how to move it. http://www.parrotforums.com/questions-answers/22450-what-about-eating-food-cooked-teflon-non-stick-pan.html#post184504 I am well aware of the dangers and horrible consequences of toxic fumes from Teflon and similar non-stick surfaces...
  19. WannaBeAParrot

    What About Eating Food Cooked in Teflon / Non-Stick Pan?

    I am well aware of the dangers and horrible consequences of toxic fumes from Teflon and similar non-stick surfaces including pans, appliances, etc. I don't use any of this in my house, but after all these years, it just dawned on me that my mom cooks in the stuff all the time at her place and...
  20. happycat

    Teflon, Candles Etc.

    I know Teflon is bad, (and Im pretty sure we dont have any anyway) but ive also heard candles, perfume and most other smelling cleaning things and stuff are bad for birds. Is that true? Because we use candles and perfume a lot. I was wondering if its true that all those are bad and if they are...
  21. L

    Crop Infection

    Hey I'm still new to this site and still a fairly new owner of a Dusky Conure named Java. :green2: Java is 4 years old. I just took Java to the vet yesterday morning he was acting lethargic, slightly vomiting and not breathing very well.:( They did an x-ray, contrast study, blood work and they...
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