
  1. TheSillyBirbHouse!1!1

    Tips on how to get cockatiel to eat veggies?

    to cut to the chase, my pet cockatiel is horrified of veggies, or at least will never eat them, just needs few tips on how to get my silly to eat more healthy, temporarily I’m feeding him these dried veggies that come in his seed mix, he eats them fairly well just want to give him a more fresh diet.
  2. R

    Help I can’t tame my ringneck lol

    So my Indian Ringneck, Ringo, I have had him for a little over a year now. He still does not let me touch him, or even feed him out of my hand. The closest thing (and the most recent progress) I have gotten him to do is eat out of a bowl I was holding through the little bowl holder in his cage...
  3. RobbieTheBudgie

    I need help taming

    Hi! I wouldn't normally come to other sites for help but I need some, i have 2 budgies, both about a year old, and I am having quite a lot of trouble taming them. I've had them for about 1-2 months and despite what I've been doing and following, they are still scared as they were when I bought...
  4. Budgie Lover<3


    Goodnight/morning everyone I'm so happy I was just checking on angel as I was out of my room most the day just seeing how she's settling in and I noticed some white feathers but both my budgies angel and guardian looked fine so I was rubbing her chest when I noticed she didnt mind so I went a...
  5. J

    Grief of a birdy and taming a new one

    Hi everyone, I’m new to joining the forum but have been reading posts for quite some time. I recently lost my gorgeous green cheeked conure in a tragic accident, his name was Orville and he was my best friend 😞. He was completely untamed when I got him but after a lot of patience he became so...
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