
  1. ImaParrot

    How do you teach budgies to talk?

    I know that budgies can talk, but my budgies don't imitate me at all. I've been whistling "Happy Birthday" every day for a month or so. Will it just take more time, or do I need to try something else?
  2. Sunnybirb

    A Sunny Update/Questions (lots of progress and good news)

    I haven't been around in awhile due to some rough personal issues, but fortunately I'm getting things back on track now, and I wanted to reach out and let you know how Sunny is doing! And also give hope to all the new parrot owners like me who have the best intentions but not a whole lot of...
  3. A

    New African Grey

    Hello everyone. This is my first post here, so please excuse me if I ask stupid questions, I got my African Grey 3 days ago and I am overly excited :). There are some things that got me worried already. So some introduction. I am a software engineer from Bulgaria and I was dreaming of having an...
  4. Sunnybirb

    Pacing :(

    Sunny has had some anxiety when I leave since I got her, but recently it's gotten a little worse. There's been a lot of change at the house in the last week or two, which I'm sure is part of it. She switched to her new cage on top of all of that. She's been talking basically nonstop every time I...
  5. F

    Our African grey talking, chicken dancing, acting like a puppy <3

  6. Kelsih11

    He won't talk outside of his cage :(

    Lil Pete, my rock pebbler, is about to hit 7 months and has been super chatty since I got him at 3 months old. But only when he's in his cage. He runs around and makes the cutest noises and whistles and talks but when you take him out, he is dead silent. Any suggestions on how to get him to chat...
  7. P

    When will my Quaker start learning to talk??

    I bought a Quaker a few days ago, and I was told he was 2 years old, but now I'm told he's less than a year old. Whichever the case, mine is very tame and friendly. He'll fly to anyone's shoulders, he's used to being indoors (he won't even fly toward the windows), he loves being petted and...
  8. A

    Teaching My 6 Yr Old Parrot To Talk

    I just brought home a 6 year old female Eclectus who I bought from a woman :red1: who could no longer have her for health reasons. Her name is Angel, and she's warming up slowly. She doesn't seem to talk much. When I first got her she would scream a lot to get my attention, but now that she's...
  9. Itsohkai

    Late Mother's Day surprise?

    I never really expected my sun conure, Blaze, to be much of a talker. Both my boyfriend and I are quiet people, and the fact that Blaze doesn't scream for hours on end like some horror stories I've heard made me think that she wasn't going to be the most vocal. Not that I minded. I didn't get a...
  10. I

    African Grey Congo

    Hi everyone, I have a recently bought female African Grey Congo who is about 5 months old. She seems to have a very normal behaviour (she eats all the time, poops all the time, climbs up and down the cage walls and perches all the time, very clumsy, goes to sleep around 9 PM and wakes up at 6-7...
  11. S

    treat training or clicker training

    so i managed to get lola saying hello just on praise as at the time she had reverted back to formula food ive just recently started trying to get her to say it on que for nuts/banana... success! now however when i try anything new like stepping up for treats all i get is pinning eyes and a...
  12. S

    teaching a macaw more words

    so lolas got hello down now, she pretty much just said it when she wanted at first but no i have her saying it on command (for banana of course) but i want to introduce a new word, now when ever i get the banana she just instantly says hello lol. whats the steps for introducing the new word...
  13. R

    Body language

    I recently started a full-time babysitting job and the family has a pet macaw. I've never really been around birds before and I'm interested in a lot of her body language, and what it all means. The bird is named Lucy. She seems very protective of the family, she threatens to bite anyone that's...
  14. Eirote

    Possible problems with a new house?

    We have a 2 year old sun conure, she's super friendly and a real sweetheart. We recently moved to a bigger house, she has a lot more space to play in and seems really happy. However I've noticed that she's a lot more "chattery" in the new place. Making little chirpy noises the whole time. She...
  15. S

    Trouble Talking?

    Hello Everyone! I hope everyone is having a good day. So I got a question my GCC is almost a year old now and he still isnt talking. Are others late bloomers? i talk to him everyday for hours but he still isnt talking. Ive had him since he was 3 months old.:green2: Thanks! ~Tanya
  16. Tequilasunrise

    When to start teaching how to talk?

    Hi, I was wondering when should I start teaching my sun how to talk? She keeps making this deep noise like she wants to talk, and she dosen't make her baby noises she used to make. Thanks
  17. ScottRoberts

    New Bird New Word

    Hey Guys, I'm so excited! I have only had Baby 2 weeks and every morning when I uncover her cage I say good morning. This morning she said it back! I was shocked that she could do that so quickly.. When she came home the only things she said was hello and oh boy tons of sounds but just those 3...
  18. B

    Talking Parrot Einstein Video

    Testing the video embedding: YouTube - Talking Parrot Einstein
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