
  1. S

    URGENT! Help with Sun Conure

    My sun conure is at least about 2 years old now. We named him Sun. He's a free-flight bird. We would always let him out every morning with his partner, except that he broke his nail today, also causing significant damage to one of his digits as it was between the gate. We have stopped his...
  2. M

    Eyelids red probem, hope get help

    Sun conure, over 1 year old, and his eyelids turns a bit red nowadays. These photos took after I applying some oculentum erythromycini on the eyelids. Hope anyone could give any suggestion since parrot be considered as pet is a very new issue in China that hardly find any professional and...
  3. IMG_0311.jpeg


    Three amegos
  4. L

    Will My bird be ok?

    My Sun conure is around 1 years old and he took quite a lot of naps in a day, he eats well and is very energetic and playful. Nothing’s wrong, just him taking plenty of naps in a day. He can’t really sleep at night because it’s too noisy. I’m quite worried because this keeps on going on and on...
  5. L

    Color Changes

    My Sun conure is 4-5 months old and I’ve just bought it from the store recently. It’s all healthy and happy but there’s one thing I notice, when we first bought it, it was very colorful and then the color started to change. I thought it’s ok at first but it kind of got me worried as there’s...
  6. L

    Will my sun conure catch hypomania?

    My sun conure is 4-5 months old, and I just bought it from the pet store. I let it out of it cage and soon it was raining quite hard. It flew outside to play with the rain, luckily it stopped after a while. From what I researched, they might catch hypomania. Can anybody tell me if it will be...
  7. L

    Is this Sun conure a female or male

    Hi! I’ve just recently bought a Sun Conure, can anyone tell me if this is a male or a female?
  8. T

    Concure I’m back corner on the bottom of the cage all of a sudden

    Hi, I have had my sun concure Zazu for about 2 weeks now. He’s 3 months old and all of a sudden is in the back corner of the cage. He lunged and hissed at me when I went to fix one of his toys that he dropped and when I changed his water. He’s extremely friendly towards me and has never done...
  9. T

    Does anyone know what this is

    Recent just say this on my baby sun conure's crop
  10. Kakyoinlover

    HELP! new baby sun conure how cold it to cold?

    Do I need a heat lamp for my young sun conure? They have all their feathers and my house is set to around 66(AC). I have my vent in my room shut and covered and I have a blanket under my door. Should they be warm enough without a heat lamp? I attached a picture of my new baby. I have been...
  11. D

    Somebody please help my Sunconure chick

    Hi everyone, I have a baby Sunconure about 45-50 days old. Today i noticed a bubble under his tongue, something like a wart in human body. We are giving only hand feeling formula (Delinight Start) as his food& he is taking food without any problem. He is staying on wood shells attached with a...
  12. S

    Advice regarding Conure aggression

    I've had two sun conures for around 7 years. I adopted a baby male sun conure at 4 months old. A few months later I rescued a female sunny who was 9 at the time. At first the two were fine around each other, they weren't super close but they acted calm around one another. After about two years...
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