
  1. B

    Suggestion for story room

    A thread or room thingy where we can tell fun stories about our birds
  2. Rico_Tiel

    Rico’s major life events.

    Things may be slightly off as I do not have the greatest memory so please bear with me here. Coming home. It was a gloomy, cold day in Alaska. I was stil depressed about losing my budgie, Ice. I was laying in bed, playing some Roblox as a rare occasion. I heard the walls creak and my heart...
  3. Aerski

    My experience with nesting birds

    I was going to take a bath as normal, when I see something through the window, a black figure with little black figures moving around.. as dumb as I was, I open the window and was greeted by three small birds. They were already scared so I close the window and think. There was a nest there, full...
  4. Aerski

    What’s the most embarrassing thing your bird has ever done?

    I took Crystal to the grocery market to socialize her more, when she sees a lady walk by her, and like she knew what she was doing, gave her the sexy whistle! It was so embarrassing, she thought I did it, so she kept walking faster.. :35: We were also taking her to Petco once, and the lady at...
  5. Squeeing_Onion

    Chicken the Sun Conure - And how I almost didn't get to adopt him!

    I thought I would share the story of my experiences adopting, living with, and caring for, my first bird - Chicken. 1. The Research, and Deciding :orange: I thought long and hard about teh decision to adopt a bird. I spent weeks pouring over article after article, reading a few books I was...
  6. reeb

    What is your parrot story? why did you decide to get a parrot?

    What is your parrot story? why did you decide to get a parrot? How have your bird(s) changed your life? I'll go first. In late 2014, I was on holiday at our beach house. An emaciated white and blue budgie flew down onto our deck, and with plenty of sunflower seeds (its all we had!) and...
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