
  1. F


    Hello everyone! Vivi is a green cheek conure and I've had her for 13 years and she's never been sick until now. Vivi has been sick since September. In September she showed symptoms of sneezing(no discharge), and lethargy. When she showed symptoms of tail bobbing we went to the closest exotic...
  2. C

    Sneezing, scratching and aggression

    My new gc conure (he's 4 going on 5 months old) has begun sneezing about 6 days ago but it started being more frequent 3 days ago. He was really sweet, no biting the first few days we've had him, except the first 2 when he was new to things. After some time and coincidentally or not, when my...
  3. A

    Baby cockatiel (less than one month old) heavy breathing, please help!

    hello! three days ago we got a baby cockatiel (less than a month old) our concerns are that the baby has difficulty breathing and the symptoms are : tail bobbing, heavy breathing, there is something like a balloon increasing and decreasing which is located on his right side of the neck when he...
  4. PapayaTheQuaker


    Hi! I know its normal for parrots to sneeze 1-2 a day but papaya sneezes a little bit more than that and I'm wondering what could be the cause of it? I do keep my house a little bit chilly and I am wondering if that would be the cause of it? I ready that if you shower with your bird it could...
  5. BellaTheLemonBirb

    Is my cockatiel okay?

    :yellow1: My cockatiel (Bella) has been sneezing often. Her nostrils become red when she sneezes. It did snow outside, so maybe it is that? I'm just wondering in case it is serious. Maybe it's something normal and I have just noticed it now? I would love to hear your thoughts on my problem...
  6. S

    Chronic Sickness? Allergies? Help...

    I'm not sure if anyone can shed some insight, but any info would be so helpful! I've had a turquoise gcc for 4 months now, so he's just about 8 months old. I noticed that since I got him, he was constantly scratching at his face and sneezing with clear discharge. A month in to having him I woke...
  7. S

    Young Sun Conure Breathing Issues

    Hey everyone, My 10 week old Sun Conure, Sammy has been showing some strange symptoms indicating he has some respiratory issues. I have noticed that he sometimes sounds REALLY nasally/congested. It sounds comparable to when a person has a cold...just really squeaky. He also sneezes frequently...
  8. Uglow

    Sneezing caused by coconut hull. Just a warning.

    Got Uglow a new toy yesterday. This one had chunks of coconut hulls hanging from it to which he went nuts over. 10 minutes into it he had a sneezing fit that wouldn't stop. I took the toy away from him and put him in the shower until it cleared up. I took the toy apart and removed the...
  9. Annaa

    Is my sun conure sick?

    I recently bought a sun conure from a private breeder. Tutti, my sun conure, is 3 months old so the seller gave me the baby food that I mix with warm water. But ever since I bought Tutti, he's been sneezing. I've had him for 5 days, and he sneezes on a daily basis, a few times in the morning...
  10. R

    sneezing? SICK?!?

    Hi, so even tough I've done TONS of research on b&g macaws i cannot figure out what this is. This is only my 3rd day having him, he's 24, b&g, says ow and what and eats grapes, apples, melons, and nuts. He's been doing this for the past 2 days, like he makes this sneezing sound and moves his...
  11. F

    My Parrot is Sneezing - What's Wrong?!

    Hi All, Hi, Frank Indiviglio here. I’m a zoologist and book author, recently retired from a career spent at several zoos, aquariums, and museums, including over 20 years with the Bronx Zoo. All parrots occasionally sneeze to clear their nares (nostrils). However, frequent sneezing and the...
  12. J

    Sneezing.... What can I do??

    So I woke up this morning an I noticed that LuLu was sneezing quiet a bit. She would sneeze like every two or three minutes. But it didn't concern me at first because she was really intent on dominating her toy (cereal box) that she was playing with at the time. I took her out to fill her...
  13. MarshallSpears

    Need some advice for my new Sun!

    I got a Sunburst Conure on the 4th of July. He is already spending 3 to 4 hours a day with me on my shoulder and lap. I just love him! However I notice some sneezing when he is preening or scratching his nose. He sneezes and some discharge will hit my face! But it seems to be clear. Like I...
  14. lmwilson428

    Weaning sick Sun Conure

    Hello, My name is Lauren. I am new to this forum. I have a 11 week old Sun Conure named Mango, that I got from a breeder at 8 weeks of age. I have several questions reguarding him. Here is the whole story and am hoping for some experienced answers and advise. I had a lovebird that I hand...
  15. K

    Giving antibiotics please help.

    Hi everyone, just about a month ago I got a 4 month old blue and gold macaw. Since I got him from the breeder hes been sneezing off and on. Some days more then others. some days not at all. And only a few times has actual "snot" came out. His nares are slightly pink. The breeder said its just...
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