sleep cycle

  1. S

    sudden sleep change?

    Hey there, this is just a question if anyone has any ideas on what might be happening? or if this is even anything to worry about? I have a 23 year old Indian ringneck parakeet, his name is squiggy. normally he wakes up with the sun rise and such, we have him in the same enclosure as 2...
  2. E

    Not sleeping

    My pineapple green cheek isn’t sleeping the full 12 hours. I’m not doing anything to wake her up but she always wakes up before 12 hours or even 10 hours. What can I do to help her get her sleep
  3. L

    Sleep length changing

    Lumi, a quaker parrot, was asking to got o her sleep cage at 6 pm November (when got her) through January. The last week she has been asking to go to bed earlier and now she is consistently in bed at 5pm. I am still waking her up between 6:45 and 7:15 am. Why would she change her sleeping...
  4. Ezekiell

    How to manage bird sleeptime?

    I’ve read that parrots need between 10-12 hours of sleep a night, otherwise their health is at risk. I’m wondering how people who work during the day manage this? For example; Our usual day is we both get up between 6-6:30am, leave for work at 7am, return home at 3:30-4pm, our bedtime is usually...
  5. S

    Sleep/ how much?

    What's a good amount of time for your caique to sleep? I'm curious because we have had an irritable bird of late
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