
  1. E

    Not sleeping

    My pineapple green cheek isn’t sleeping the full 12 hours. I’m not doing anything to wake her up but she always wakes up before 12 hours or even 10 hours. What can I do to help her get her sleep
  2. HelgaMoro

    How sensitive are parrots to smooth noise when sleeping?

    Hi! I want my green-cheek's sleeping place to be in the storage room. It's the only completely dark room in the house. The problem is - there is a boiler (water heater) there and it does this low smooth constant "zzzzhhhhhh" noise. Like a long exhale, similar to the sound of a PC or a strong air...
  3. L

    Sleep length changing

    Lumi, a quaker parrot, was asking to got o her sleep cage at 6 pm November (when got her) through January. The last week she has been asking to go to bed earlier and now she is consistently in bed at 5pm. I am still waking her up between 6:45 and 7:15 am. Why would she change her sleeping...
  4. B

    green cheek conure won’t sleep

    I got a 5 year old green cheek conure about 3 days ago and he seems to be having trouble sleeping. He’s in a large cage and i dim the lights slowly for him to go to sleep. once the lights are all the way off i still hear him climbing the bars of the cage and making small squawking sounds for a...
  5. Jacob1302

    Sleeping troubles

    Recently my 8 month old pearly conure has begun to chirp and vocalize after i put him to bed, i cover his cage, turn off the light and go to a different room until he wakes up the next morning, im worried hes not getting enough sleep, what can i do to fix this behaviour? I was thinking of...
  6. S

    My baby IRN is sleeping ALOT

    Hey! My two IRN's are about a month old now and they're developing feathers. I got them when they were 12 and 14 days old and during that time all they did was eat, poop, and sleep which was understandable. But now the thing that's concerning me is even after being a month old they're still...
  7. I

    6 week old Lovebird - need urgent help

    Two days ago, I got a lovebird that the owner says is 6 weeks old. He said that it was off the formula, and gave me a bag of Zupreem pellets to feed it (image attached). The bird eats very well, and is learning how to use the bottle but we have a small dish of water as well. However, it seems to...
  8. O

    Bedtime Issue

    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice as so far my internet searches have failed to turn up anything relevant. I have 2 alexandrine parrots, one is about 4 years old and the other is about a year old (maybe slightly younger). They have lived together in one cage for a while now, maybe about half...
  9. A

    Sudden brown coloring on Normal GCC

    My female, almost 3 yr old GCC, "Piper", has suddenly developed some brown/coppery colorations on her head--around the crown and down her nape a bit--over the black. It's translucent and I had to see her in outdoor light to see it, but it's definitely real. Possible causes I'm...
  10. Chiriceanu

    How much noise can I make at night to not disturb my parrot's sleep?

    Hi, I own an Indian ringneck and I've read online that they need about 12 hours of sleep per night. So I shut the lights off at 10pm and cover his cage with a drape. Problem is, I'm quite the night owl and tend to stay up very late. Will my parrot wake up if I talk? I'm not too loud but I am...
  11. G

    I hated to do it but it was for his own good.

    As far as I know I don't move in my sleep. Better safe than sorry though. As soon as I turned out the lights to go to bed Baby flew over and landed on my head. Then he climbed down onto my shoulder. He snuggled up to my neck and promptly fell asleep. I sat there for a few minutes then I slid...
  12. T

    What are the Best triangle beds for Conures?

    Hey everyone, We have a conure and she has had a triangle bed that she loves and the material she isn’t able to chew apart but we were wanting to replace it because she has had this one for a while and we can’t seem to find the same type of bed. Do you have any suggestions as to what material...
  13. Squeeing_Onion

    Green Cheek Snuggling - too much?

    I am not a new parrot caretaker, but I am newly owned by one sassy little four year old Green Cheek, 'Bongo.' My previous bird was not a cuddler, and was in fact very hands-off. It was an entire year before he was even comfortable being touched at all, excluding his feet. He was an older rescue...
  14. J

    My bird start crying whenever i put her to sleep!!! What do i do?

    Hello i need help in what im suppose to do when i place her to sleep. I'm new in taking care of a bird. Her name is Phoenix she's a green cheek conure and is three months old. During the day she's outside of her cage and hardly makes noise. She super friendly and cuddle, likes being around me...
  15. Cthebird

    The way my Hahn's macaw sleeps

    Before adopting my Hahn's macaw, my husband and I had a budgie and then a Pacific Parrotlet for almost 15 years. Both slept with their head under their wing. I thought that was pretty much how all birds sleep, but my husband and I do not believe our Hahn's macaw sleeps like that. Our Hahn's...
  16. L

    Apartment noisy at night

    I have a lineolated parakeet as a pet. I'm also housing two budgies for a few months for a friend. I just moved into an apartment that's above a restaurant and bar. It's noisier than I thought it would be at night, until about 2 in the morning when it closes. It's about as loud as if a noisy...
  17. K

    New parrot owner, is my conure okay?

    Hi! So I adopted a green cheek conure two days ago. He is about 4 months old and his name is Kiwi. He goes to bed at 11 pm and wake so up at 11 am so he is getting enough hours. However, I share my aprtment with my roommate and he isn't constantly going in and out of his room. He makes no loud...
  18. Peep's Afternoon Nap.

    Peep's Afternoon Nap.

    Sleepy cinnamon GCC on a Sunday afternoon.
  19. Peep's Afternoon Nap.

    Peep's Afternoon Nap.

    Sleepy cinnamon GCC on a Sunday afternoon.
  20. Y

    New Cage Stress?

    Hello! I just moved my Green Cheek Conure, Zuko, into a much larger cage then what he was in before, which I assumed hey he would enjoy this! but He has never really enjoyed being in any sort of cage but he has been not sleeping very much or even in his bed while in the new cage even though we...
  21. Lucky123

    Foot on head

    Hello everyone.. I am new to this forum, but a second time lovebird owner. I just got my new lovebird, Lucky, who is around 6-7 months old. She loves to cuddle more than anything and loves to be all wrapped up in a blanket. I'm guessing this is because she is so young? She has moments where...
  22. B

    Restless mustached parakeet

    I have a five-year-old female mustached parakeet. A few days ago, she started scampering around the bottom of her cage at night - all night, every night sense. She's also rattling her cage. I'm very worried for her, since I know she needs her sleep, and it's been keeping me awake, too. It's very...
  23. WannaBeAParrot

    To Cover or Not To Cover Cage? That is the question.

    Hello folks. My cherry-headed conure, Pritti, is 30 years old. My ex has brought him home 30 years ago when he was a baby at the pet store. I have been his mom for 20 years. He lives with just me now in the same house and cage we've been in for a long time. Here's my question. Should he be...
  24. A

    Sleeping Arrangement Question

    My husband and I recently had to move in with my parents. Due to this move we had to put our green cheek from a large cage into one that fits in our room. Lately he has been more active at night into the early hours of the morning- playing with toys, shuffling his food and water dish against...
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