sick budgie

  1. D

    Sick Budgie

    I noticed on 26/11 my female budgie was lethergic and fluffed up so I called the local avian vet and he told me to bring her in. He weighed her and said she was underweight which was a shock because she's always eating. He listened to her chest and said she had laboured breathing and greenish...
  2. Maloukk77


    Hi everyone!! I just wanted to ask about the signs of sickness in budgies. I had 2 budgies and one of them was sick a month ago so I took him to the vet (we don’t have any avian vets near us) they tried saving him but said it was too late and he died the same day after hours of trying to give...
  3. carlsnuts

    Budgie stargazing for around 3 and a half weeks, what else should I do to help him?

    Okay, so let’s start this off: I’m a university student who absolutely ADORES birds and grew up around parakeets, so I have a little bit of knowledge when it comes to maintaining their needs. So around two and a half months ago, me and my boyfriend made the decision to adopt these two birds...
  4. miosj

    how to get sick budgie to eat powdered emergency food?

    hi, i've brought my sick budgie to the vet a few days ago and the vet gave us a powdered suppliment/food by VETAFARM (critta care) which provides nutritional support for sick and injured birds. the vet told us to try and force feed her as she isn't tamed. i tried placing the powder mixed with...
  5. D

    HELP! Budgie vomiting and eating it

    I've had my budgie, Afina, for about six months now. She came from a pet store (I know, I know, it's not something I'm proud of). I'm not sure about her age. After adopting her, the pet store recommended a specific brand of food (ZuPreem Fruit Blend) as it's what they fed the birds in store...
  6. D

    Sick budgerigar (and quarantine issues with new bird)

    I have a male budgie who is a few years old and having balance issues. My mum called me frantically and said he was flailing his wings in the air. I ran in thinking it might be a stroke, but he climbed back up to the perch and is constantly swaying from side to side. He’s trying to move from...
  7. B

    Worried for my budgies health!

    Hi, My budgie Gooses (previously named Turkey) health is concerning me, especially because birds hide their sicknesses so well. I've found her a few times at the bottom of her cage, lying down when I got back from work. She shot right up and got on her perch when I turned on my music though...
  8. pickygrackle

    Hey birdies

    Howdy folks of the forum. I just registered and i have a question about my budgie. She is a rescue, i've had her for 8 years, her estimated age is 12. I keep taking her to the vet. She's thrown up twice this month. And no, not regurgitation. I'm talking white sticky liquid. I'm afraid its...
  9. A

    is my budgie sick?

    i am new bird owner. i brought 4 budgies home on 24th march 2017, one white budgie from this group flew away after one month. one yellow budgie out of left three is sleeping a lot since this sunday (means from 14th May)..he is eating and drinking well i think but he sleeping most of time which...
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