separation anxiety

  1. B

    Guilt he’s not with me 24/7

    Hi all, new member but have browsed before and you seem to give very straight-talking (but knowledgable) advice, and was hoping you could impart some wisdom. How do I stop feeling guilty and anxious leaving my boy even for short periods? I did not used to be like this. I lost my first bird a...
  2. morepork

    Alexandrine contact call. hormones or anxiety?

    I have a 5~6 year old alexandrine male (who i suspect to be a ringneck hybrid), who i got last year as a rehome. i know nothing about his previous owners/care other than that they have had many types of birds, and would frequently rehome/cycle through birds when i first got him, it wasnt as bad...
  3. AutumnPGCC

    Long-lasting Mood Change and Aggressiveness - Seeking Help

    Hello all, This is my first post reaching out for help for Autumn my Pineapple Green Cheek Conure. My husband and I adopted Autumn almost a year ago and she will be 2 years old soon. When we adopted her from her previous owner she seemed very gentle and sweet and was for the first couple months...
  4. E

    Sun Conure Panic

    Hey, I'm looking for some advice on my sun conure Gilly. I think he has separation anxiety or some sort of extreme bond to me, as when I am not home he will call for me non-stop as if he is in a panic. I do spend a lot of time with him, he is essentially out with me all the time when I am at...
  5. ohthatdemoness6

    Helping my baby enjoy being in her cage?

    Hi, I'm coming from reddit and the people there seem to be quick to judge so I'm gonna come here and add more detail because I ended up missing work from being so anxious, upset, and crying from feeling like the worst pet owner ever and I'm so exhausted trying my best and getting chastised...
  6. Ava.rg

    Help!! Advice needed

    Hi everyone! Happy to say I haven’t had to make a post in a very long time because my 1 year old green cheek and I have been very happy! So here’s my dilemma I can’t decide if I should take my bird with me the weeks I go to my dads house or not. the back story: Every summer I go to my dads...
  7. Sunnybirb

    Pacing :(

    Sunny has had some anxiety when I leave since I got her, but recently it's gotten a little worse. There's been a lot of change at the house in the last week or two, which I'm sure is part of it. She switched to her new cage on top of all of that. She's been talking basically nonstop every time I...
  8. L

    Help with a Screaming Canary-Winged Parakeet

    We made the mistake of "rescuing" a year-old canary-winged parakeet that was at Petco for 6 months and whose "personality totally changed" in the time she was there according to staff. I think she has separation anxiety because she screams all of the time when she is OUT of the cage with us...
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