senegal parrot

  1. T

    Company for my Senegal

    Hey! I have a two year old male Senegal parrot. Recently we have been to the vet and he recommended that I get another Senegal so they keep company to each other. I don’t want to get a female one cause I don’t want them to breed. What’s everyone’s opinion about getting another male Senegal or...
  2. Miss Feathers' Human

    Young Sennie Vocals and Biting

    Hi all, I recently bought a Sennie (day 4 today), named Miss Feathers, and I realized she's still quite a baby, +- 1 years old. She doesn't have a vast sound range and it can be hard to tell if she's purring or growling. But a lot of the time she'll perk up with lots of throaty noises (the...
  3. F

    How can I help my Senegal?

    I am a junior in high school and I just recently adopted a baby Senegal parrot. I go to school at 7am and I get home from school around 3:30-5pm depending on the day. When I am older I’m planning on taking this Senegal to college and then living with him when I have a job. I plan on becoming a...
  4. E

    Injured nostril

    Hello, Yesterday Tweetie and I, Tweetie being my parrot, were hanging by his cage when something must've scared which prompted him to fly away but he ended up hitting himself against the cage and although he is acting very normally and nothing has changed about this behaviour, I noticed he had...
  5. E

    Injured nostril

    Hello, Earlier today my parrot ran into a wall and when I when to pick him up I noticed a bit of the skin around his nostril had been peeled back. It didn't look really bad at first and I choose let it go and just keep watching him in case something happened. When I came back to check on him a...
  6. Meg&pip

    Should we try the implant again?

    Around 3-4 years ago I had gotten my hormonal, plucky senegal, Pippy, the hormone implant. She had just reached sexual maturity, which she seemed a bit early for (she is 9 in a month, she was around 5 when implanted). At the time, it was explained to us as a medication for ferrets, but recently...
  7. Robidium

    Adopting another bird - Alexandrine or Blue-throated Conure?

    Hi all, I have a bird-shaped hole in my heart! I enjoyed having two birds, I have a vacant cage, my strata allows for up to 2 birds, and my rescue has birds that need homes. So I'm going to adopt another bird in the near future! Out of the birds my local rescue has, a few have caught my...
  8. ShimmerSenegal

    Parrot chewed through a phone charger

    Hello, I made a mistake of leaving my senegal parrot unattended for a few minutes and didn't try to hide phone charger, which he started to chew while I was gone. My concern is mainly the possibility of him eating some of the thin wires under plastic. I tried to search for answers and found one...
  9. M

    Is my senegal sick?

    Hi friends,:gcc: I'm trying to determine what's going on with my 8-year old senegal. I first became concerned because he kept flying into my bed frame last month, and I was worried he was going to get hurt. Last week, I started to get worried because I noticed he was falling off his perch at...
  10. S

    Insomniac Senegal with watery poops

    Hi there! I have three Senegals, all adopted. One of them came to me about 6 months ago and he’s always had watery and stinky poops. I’ve taken him to the avian vet and he’s checked out fine. They also gave us antibiotics and for about a week of antibiotics his poops did not smell but were still...
  11. H

    Senegal parret band

    I just got a Senegal parret from a pet store and I wanted to look up his tag but it's really different than anyone that I have seen. I have tried to look it up and I'm not finding anything on him wondering if anyone can help me with this..his band only says JE E 743
  12. Lynx

    Foraging toys safe unwatched?

    I'm thinking of getting my Senegal a couple of foraging toys for in and out of his cage. Was wondering if the plastic/metal ones are safe if left in his cage, or should I only put one on his stand where I can watch him with it? Have a few wood/grass ones that are ment to be destroyed also in...
  13. Jferrand526

    I need some help with a Senegal

    So this Senegal is not mine. I am babysitting him for the next two weeks and I need to ask some questions. I’m used to conures not Sennies, so I’m used to a little attitude but this Sennie bites me when I go to put him back in the cage, not that hard just a minor warning bite, he is missing part...
  14. J

    New Senegal Owner

    Hey, I am new to this forum. I am not really sure how everything works on here but I’ll give it my best shot. I have recently decided on getting a Senegal. He is currently being Handfed and will be ready for me in May. I have been planning every aspect I could imagine for bringing this bird...
  15. Lynx

    Squeaky Senagal

    I recently got a Senegal. 6 years, male, very friendly. He has started making squeaky sounds. Very cute, just wondering what it means.
  16. Waiting For The Morning Coffee...

    Waiting For The Morning Coffee...

    But first love!
  17. K

    Regarding senegal parrot diet

    Hello, I've recently began to share my room with I suspect an 8 months old senegal parrot. He's been with me for a month now. We've overcome the biting problem, he eats from my hand, he let's me pet his head even though staying alert all the time, however he still growls at me especially in the...
  18. N

    Senegals: what are the pros and cons?

    So my mum has been talking whistfully about how she's always liked senegals, and since she actually has the time for a parrot now, I have a feeling she's going to get one. I'll be moving out at some stage in the next year and a half, so I don't really get much of a say, obviously, but as I will...
  19. M

    Finally getting my bird!

    Hello all, I am not new to parrots, but it has been quite a while since I have had one. I used to have a beautiful Eclectus, but due to a move overseas, I was unable to keep him. We also fostered a military macaw for a while when I was a child, and I had a couple parakeets as a child. While...
  20. M

    Beginners senegal questions

    Hi- Was over in the cockatoo thread earlier but to recap- I will be getting a new bird in the next few months and really want one that can bond with me- I was considering a macaw or cockatoo but they both have very stringent care requirements, and cockatoos even with the proper care are still...
  21. Transylvania

    Weighing diet?

    So sorry if this has been asked before, but I'm having trouble locating specific information on this. I'm a husbandry assistant and I prepare diets for a lot of birds at work. I'm given a diet board that I follow, so every day I weigh out a specific amount of pellets and a specific amount of...
  22. D

    Senegal Growling - Territorial? Help!

    Hi everybody! I currently own a DNA sexed female Senegal Parrot who is about a year old. I've had her since June and I'm having somewhat of a little problem with her right now. She is generally very good. No issues aside from the occasional nip when she's telling me that she doesn't like...
  23. M

    New member

    Hello Everyone, My name is Kayla and I have been reading the forum for a couple months now and just decided to join. I am not one to post much on the internet, so this is new for me. Anyways... I have a 9 yr old Senegal parrot name Morocco. I have never had him DNA sexed, but i refer to him...
  24. M

    new here

    hI this looked like a good place to get some additional parrot info! My senegal kiwi is the most important thing to me! But I can't find a senegal smilie so I'll use this one:greenyellow:
  25. R

    Senegal face attack :(

    My newly adopted senegal is 15. Loves me from the getgo. Is very bonded to me. I just observe his behavior before petting him or picking him up or getting anything in his cage since he is temperamental. But he clung to me as his new owner which is great. His past owner said he was friendly with...
  26. A

    What forum for a senegal?

    :rainbow1: I'm looking for a forum I can ask questions about my Senegal but there isn't one. I'm really new on here so I don't really know where to go!
  27. N

    Questionable vet treatment for clostridium? (pls help)

    Hello everyone, Apologies for asking a question here when I'm not a regular member; but, I really need your help. My senegal, Simon, has had a clostridium infection in his intestines for about a month. This results in stinky morning stool of softer consistency. Our vet (an avian...
  28. T

    Suddenly he hates me?

    Me and my Sennie get on very well. He is probably closet to me then the rest of my family in the house. Although today he just seems to hate me. He wants to be on me but whenever I allow him to he just bites, like attack bite which draws blood, I tell him 'NO' and put him down for 3 minutes, but...
  29. L

    18 gauge wire aviary?

    I have a senegal parrot and I want to get him an aviary so he can enjoy the sunshine in the summer. A lot of the aviary's I've seen have 18 gauge wire - is this strong enough for a senegal? I've only seen these aviary's advertised on the internet so I can't judge how thick it is - I don't know...
  30. sammiestella91

    Senegal Parrot acting strange? need advice please

    hello all, 4 days ago my boyfriend and i got a senegal parrot from a pet store, when we saw him in the store he was chirping making noises, saying hello ect.. its now been 4 days and he looks kind of depressed. i dont know if this makes a differnce but we already have a Green Cheeck Conure, and...
  31. I

    Lorikeet or Senegal Parrot for a beginner?

    Hi, I have no experience about parrots, except for a Eastern Rosella that was gave to me some times ago. I thought I could tame her, but I've been told Rosellas are not quite mild birds, so I'm going to let her move freely in an aviary. Anyway, this experience triggered my interest for parrots...
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