
  1. S

    Help with IRN behavior

    Hello, i’m new here and since my city doesn’t have any good vets i need help with this behavior in my indian ringneck, unknown gender but most likely a male due to his mating dance, he is around 9 months and hasn’t properly had a first molt, (a few pin feathers is all i’ve seen) Anyway lately...
  2. I

    My parrot is sick and I don't know what to do

    Hello everyone, I have a 12 year old quaker called Pepe, I love him a lot, so I feel incredibly scared because he's been acting strange. Ever since a few weeks ago he will stop eating sometimes, refuse food or water and regurgitate what he does eat. Yesterday he was really 'out of it' I don't...
  3. N

    Two sun conures had simultaneous seizures

    The strangest thing happened with my two sun conures today. They had simultaneous seizures. We have an open area from upstairs to downstairs so I decided to train my conures to fly down to me. That worked fine but when they wouldn't fly back up I decided to carry them up. On the way to the...
  4. J

    Did my cockatiel have a seizure?

    Hello everyone. I'm new here. I come seeking help. I've had my cockatiel, Coco, almost 8 years now. I don't know her exact age because my dad's friend saved her from some predatory bird at their workplace. She was neglected for a couple days at his house so he gave her to my dad after he asked...
  5. I

    Ug, Not again x___x

    Just when I was doubting our little Christmas fiasco was a thing of the past, Kermit greeted me home today with a birdie seizure. When she had one last Christmas, we had her fully assessed by an avian vet and her blood work, fecal, & gram stain all came back normal. There's no clear sign...
  6. I

    I think Kermit has a seizure this morning :(

    This bird has terrible timing. Christmas morning I wake up to my dad bringing a limp bird to my room, and I was convinced she'd die right in my hands. She recovered fast, and my parents spelled out what happened that morning. The bird spooked and took off flying (not unusual). She did not...
  7. K

    20yo hen - food related seizures

    My littlest bird, Quacker, is a 20yo hen who I've had since she was 14 weeks of age. I don't feed a processed diet, they get fresh cooked daily. The base of the diet is mixed grained pastas (all the alternative gluten-free pastas with wheat based hidden veggie pastas as well), grains, fresh...
  8. K

    Conure died suddenly

    So last night my mom's conure died unexpectedly. She was a little over 7 months old and I had gotten her for my mom as a birthday present. We've had birds in the past and since i'm in college, and my mom has wanted a bird again, I found two conures for sale. I took the male and she took the...
  9. WannaBeAParrot

    Help. I think Pritti just had a seizure.

    I'm totally unsure if he just had a seizure or got spooked by nothing I could notice. He was resting, falling asleep this evening on my chest while I was scratching his head and watching tv in dim light. All of a sudden he fluttered his wings and ran up toward my head and stopped when he got...
  10. BudgetBunny

    Seizures In Pacific Parrotlet - Any Info/Advice Appreciated!

    A little over a month ago my parrotlet lost the ability to use her feet and became very drowsy looking. This lasted about a 1/2 hour then she suddenly snapped out of it and returned to normal. She was fine for about 4 days and then the same thing happened again. Our initial vet visit confirmed...
  11. I


    Hey, all. I've not lurked at all, so i don't know much about this place yet. I've got a 14 yo congo african grey. it was my parents until a couple months ago. they had asked my permission when they first bought it, knowing that i would be caretaker some day. well, they haven't been able to...
  12. I

    My Cockatiel had a seizure, please help!

    Hello I'm brand new to the forums, I wouldn't have joined if I hadn't been for yesterday's event. Let me start by quickly debriefing you all on little Turlough o'carolan. He is my mom's bird, and we got him a little over a year ago when he was almost a year, so he's a year and a half, or two...
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