
  1. T

    How do I feed my Green Cheek Conure eggs?

    Hello! My Green Cheek Conure is 4 months old and he's a picky eater. He's on a seed diet and likes to eat apples. I tried feeding him vegetables multiple times, he licks it but doesn't eat it. Previously I tried feeding him hard-boiled eggs, but he doesn't like that either. Today I cooked him...
  2. OutlawedSpirit

    Looking for Seed

    Okay guys, I need some help. I'm trying to find some seed for my fids and maybe I'm just being too picky, but I'm really having trouble finding stuff that checks all the boxes. I need two different mixes probably, since I have big guys and the littles. I have no problem buying two different...
  3. PenClem

    Diet requirements for Budgies

    I chatted with a small bird breeder yesterday who used to hand-raise and handfeed Budgies. She hasn't bred them in awhile, but she did send me some links to articles she wrote about Budgies. I have Lovebirds, but recently I have taken in the two Budgies my friend inherited from someone else. I...
  4. Squeeing_Onion

    Green Cheek: Sunflower Seed Addiction

    Some of you have already heard about my new addition to the family, a Green Cheek Conure named Bongo. :gcc: My question: How many sunflower seeds do you think I should I limit her to, daily? Is there a safe number, or weight? Brief background pertaining to my question below: -She's adopted...
  5. M

    Budgie diet

    Hey everyone :-) I’ve had my four budgies for over two years now and they’re all healthy and happy. I do have a question regarding their diet though. So this is what I feed my budgies. In the morning I give them a seed mix with fresh water. After they eat their seeds, they’re then free to fly...
  6. N

    How do I get my birds to try foods?

    My birds will only eat seed and only one will take millet. Neither one of them will take anything fresh. I have tried putting the stuff in separate dishes from their seed feed and even in the same dish with their food but they always avoid the treats. They won't take anything from my hand (they...
  7. T

    Low Fat

    Hi all! I was wondering if you know of any reputable low-fat parrot food that isn't pellets. I've found something called Crazy Corn, but I can't tell how good it is as a pellet replacement. Any advice for someone who can't make all their bird food by hand? Thanks! :green:
  8. K

    Fresh Sunflower Seeds

    Q: Can conures(parrots in general even) eat freshly harvested off the plant un flower seeds? Do I need to do anything to the seeds themselves prior to consumption? Background info: Planted some sunflowers this year. For a few reasons. 1-My parents like them so I did some there & my apartment...
  9. R

    Diet HELP-pellets and seeds

    Hi When we got our bird last week and asked about food, they told us they feed Birdeez (seeds mostly) and pellets on occasion. I may have this confused, but I don't think so. I've got Nupreem for him, but he's only 3 months old and seems to have a hard time with the size of the food he should...
  10. veimar

    They ARE eating pellets!!!

    All my fids have been seed junkies no matter how hard I tried to convert them. They came to me like that. I tried to soak the pellets in juice and applesauce - they'd nibble on it. Finally I gave up and stated buying the Volkman seed for them (probably the best quality seed on the market now)...
  11. ZephyrFly

    Breeder recommended ??

    I don't have a bird at the moment but I am looking to get a GCC (Green Cheek Conure) by next year. The breeder I've talked to feeds their birds a seed diet with a some powder supplements and some soak mixture, with the encouragement to give the bird extra fruit and veg for variety; this is also...
  12. R

    Lafebers & pantry moths? Coincidence?

    I don't know if the two are related or if it is just coincidence, but I just went to fill up all the different foods my Kakariki eats and when I went to fill the dish that holds his Lafebers Nutri-Berries, the container was FILLED with pantry moth larvae! I picked up some chunks of...
  13. Gremlin_Owner

    Parrot food mixes WITHOUT sunflower online UK

    Does anyone know where I can purchase a parrot mix without any sunflower seed in it? And it needs to be from a UK website. I use Sunflower seed as a treat so I either have to buy every seed singly or take all the sunflower seeds out of a mix (takes AGES!) I'd be so grateful for any help. Thanks...
  14. D

    Parrotlet Feeding

    Well, I just got my new 7 week old parrotlet. We're settled into a nice 18x18x36L cage with room to fly, a few toys, some millet, perches, and a cuttlebone. Fully weaned and hand raised. Very talkative for a female. One thing I'm never sure of is feeding. What's the best food out there? What...
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