
  1. R

    Problem with screeching Senegal parrot

    Hi, everyone! I’m new on here and have a 10-15 year old estimated Senegal parrot. I adopted him about a year and 4 months ago and for the first 9 months he was so great and screeched minimally. When summer hit in May he started screeching a lot more. He screeches when he’s in the cage, when he’s...
  2. E

    Sun Conure Panic

    Hey, I'm looking for some advice on my sun conure Gilly. I think he has separation anxiety or some sort of extreme bond to me, as when I am not home he will call for me non-stop as if he is in a panic. I do spend a lot of time with him, he is essentially out with me all the time when I am at...
  3. J

    Need Advice for Cockatiel Feeding!

    Hi everyone, a week ago my girlfriend and I bought a Cockatiel who was seven weeks old (now eight). We were told by the breeders that he was weaned, and so we purchased him. Two days after we purchased him he began to make the “radio static screech,” which we learned meant that he was hungry...
  4. fiftyshadesofgraevy

    Help!! Constantly screeching Lovebird!! I can't take it anymore!!

    Hi. I adopted my lovebird Graevy at just a couple weeks old. I hand fed her bird formula and had her with me all the time. After a year or so she started to get hormonal, lay eggs and became overly aggressive. She was biting very painfully and so started spending more and more time in her...
  5. A

    Bird is screeching in pain after flying and obsessively preening wings.

    My 3 and a half year old cockatiel, Oswald, flew to me today but immediately started screaming in obvious pain and preening constantly at her right wing. She would screech, turn to preen her wing, seem okay for a moment and then it repeats. She immediately became more irritable and didn’t want...
  6. Z

    Cockatiel Screaming

    As of the past couple days, my new cockatiel, Hebe, will not stop screeching when she wants something. Sometimes, I have absolutely no idea what she wants, but she will just continually screech as if I’ll get her what she wants. I try not to give her what she wants, but I think she thinks that...
  7. J

    Rescued cockatoo screeching

    We had owned a Too for 38 years, so we aren’t new to bird care. But we recently rescued an Umbrella that had been relegated to a garage for two years. He automatically adopted my wife as his owner. But the moment she leaves his sight, he screeches until her return. We leave the TV on, he has...
  8. J

    Unstable, but not Critical

    Hi everyone, Welcome to my first ever post on a forum. I am not very experienced with raising birds so please excuse me if I am ignorant in some of these matters. I have broken down this post in to the backstory, the problems faced and the questions i would like to have answered. Also, a big...
  9. M


    How do I tell a conure "no" to keep it from doing something again? I get bit sometimes and I want them to know that I don't like it. I have two and they're both green-cheek conures. Also, is there a way to keep them quiet if they have a random chirping spree? I don't want to use food as a means...
  10. K

    Draco the shy, screeching GCC

    I've had my GCC for a month now and he's been really shy/not really wanting me to hold him. I've already posted about that and have been trying to slowly get him to warm up to me, but now he's started screeching REALLY loud. I've been ignoring it because I don't want him to think it's a good way...
  11. T

    Help please! My conure is too demanding

    Hi my bird's name is Tricksy. Funny i accidentally called my username Tricky.. which is fitting as he is... and i need help with his little psycho bird brain. You see, i believe he gets plenty of attention. I take him out (which he loves!) As much as i can. To the parks, beach shopping, even...
  12. C

    Possessive green cheek conure

    We've had our bird for a couple of years now. Bought him as a hand-raised chick. To me he is very affectionate and will spend all day on me if he was allowed. He has always "hated" my husband, attacks him and latches firmly on his ears or fingers. He now "hates" my son (16) and will show signs...
  13. S

    Two different screaming situations I'd like to work on -- Is it possible?

    So Oliver has always screamed for me when I leave the room or come home from somewhere. This isn't much of an issue because the birds are upstairs and you can only sort of hear them when the door is closed. However in the mornings they wake me up with the screaming and I'd like to try to train...
  14. A

    Hello there

    Hi there---I'm Angela, and live Utah. (south of Salt Lake City). I aquired a DNA sexed female Goffin's Cockatoo late last summer and have 2 cute little hand-fed budgies. (Male and Female) I am always looking for ways to improve their diet, especially if it is easy and convienent! My Goffin's...
  15. L

    new member. ? about screeching lovebird

    long story short about 3 months ago i got two lovebirds. one is a peach face and she was vary calm and quite and then started to screech a lil here and there. now jump fwd to present time, from when i take the blanket off the cage in the morning till i put it back on at night all she does is...
  16. P

    New to the community with a small problem.

    HI everyone and everyparrot!:) I am a home-maker, with two boys that are 6 and 4 (aslo a 32 year old if you count my hubby lol) We have a dog and an out door cat. I owned a sun conure in Hawaii, but my Dad decided to keep him.Which worked out wonderfully, Papaya will have a buddy by next year...
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