scissor beak

  1. E

    Beak Health

    I noticed today that my conures bottom beak is ridged and layered. Is that normal? He does have a scissored beak and hes getting that trimmed Friday but didn’t know if I should be concerned about the new texture
  2. hiriki

    Scissor Beak

    Hello! I just brought in a neglect case whom I have named Bitty, she's a lutino cockatiel and kind of scruffy. Two missing toes, of her remaining toes two are missing the top joint, she has bumblefoot atm, covered in dry blood, aaaaand... a pretty serious case of scissor beak. Just got her in...
  3. M

    Scissor Beak (Help??)

    I adopted a Moustache Parakeet today. He has a scissored beak (his bottom beak turns out to the left). At first I thought this would hardly be an issue. Just get it trimmed whenever it needs trimmed. However I'm reading into it and it sound more serious than I thought. I'm reading it can just...
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